subject : The original title is link ( secondary )
label : Array 、 Hashtable 、 mathematics
Time complexity
Spatial complexity
Execution time
Ans 1 (Python)
O ( N )
O ( N )
312ms (38%)
Ans 2 (Python)
Ans 3 (Python)
Solution 1 :
class Solution:
def minSubarray(self, nums: List[int], p: int) -> int:
# Calculate the remainder
# O(N)
total = sum(nums)
surplus = total % p
# print(" Target remainder :", surplus)
# The processing remainder is 0 The situation of
if surplus == 0:
return 0
# Prefix hash table
hashmap = {}
ans = -1
# Calculate prefix remainder
# O(N)
last = 0
hashmap[0] = -1
for i, num in enumerate(nums):
last += num
last %= p
hashmap[last] = i
# Check whether it constitutes the target remainder
aim_val = (p + last - surplus) % p
if aim_val in hashmap:
now = i - hashmap[aim_val]
if ans == -1 or ans > now:
ans = now
return ans if ans < len(nums) else -1