假設G(V,E)最一個具有n個頂點的連通網,頂點集V={v1,v2,....,vn}。設所求的最小生成樹為T={U,TE},其中U是T的頂點集,TE是T的邊集,U和TE的初始值為空集。Kruskal算法的基本思想如下:將最小生成樹初始化為T=(V,TE),僅包含 G的全部頂點,不包含G的任一條邊,此時,T由n 個連通分量組成,每個分量只有一個頂點;將圖中G中的邊按權值從小到大排序,選擇代價最小了一條邊,若該邊所依附的頂點分屬於T中的不同的連通分量,則將此邊加入到TE中,否則,捨棄此邊而選擇下一條代價最小的邊。依次類推,直至TE中包含n-1條邊(即T中所有的頂點都在同一連通分量上)為止。
int findFather(int father[],int v){ int t = v; while(father[t] != -1) t = father[t]; return t; } /* * *Kruskal算法求最小生成樹 * */ void Kruskal_MG(MGraph MG,Edge edge[]){ int father[MAX_VEX_NUM]; int i,count,vf1,vf2; // 初始化father數組 for(i = 0;i < MAX_VEX_NUM;i++){ father[i] = -1; } i = 0; count = 0; // 統計加入最小生樹中的邊數 // 遍歷任意兩個結點之間的邊 while(i < MG.arcnum && count < MG.arcnum){ vf1 = findFather(father,edge[i].start); vf2 = findFather(father,edge[i].end); // 如果這兩個節點不屬於同一個連通分量,則加入同一個連通分量 if (vf1 != vf2){ father[vf2] = vf1; count++; printf(%c,%c,%d ,MG.vexs[edge[i].start],MG.vexs[edge[i].end],edge[i].cost); } i++; } }
對於帶權圖G中e條邊的權值的排序方法可以有多種,這裡采用的是最簡單的冒泡排序法,時間復雜度為O(n^2)。而判斷新選擇的邊的兩個頂點是否在同一個連通分量中,這個問題等價於一個在最多有n 個頂點的生成樹中遍歷尋找新選擇的邊的兩個節點是否存在的問題,所以此算法的復雜度最壞情況下是O(n^2)。
/* * ===================================================================================== * * Filename: Kruskal.c * * Description: 最小生成樹之Kruskal算法 * * Version: 1.0 * Created: 2015年05月06日 21時25分12秒 * Revision: none * Compiler: gcc * * Author: jesson20121020 (), [email protected] * Organization: * * ===================================================================================== */ #include#include #define MAX_VEX_NUM 50 #define MAX_ARC_NUM 100 #define UN_REACH 1000 typedef char VertexType; typedef enum { DG, UDG } GraphType; typedef struct { VertexType vexs[MAX_VEX_NUM]; int arcs[MAX_VEX_NUM][MAX_VEX_NUM]; int vexnum, arcnum; GraphType type; } MGraph; /** * 根據名稱得到指定頂點在頂點集合中的下標 * vex 頂點 * return 如果找到,則返回下標,否則,返回0 */ int getIndexOfVexs(char vex, MGraph *MG) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= MG->vexnum; i++) { if (MG->vexs[i] == vex) { return i; } } return 0; } /** * 創建鄰接矩陣 */ void create_MG(MGraph *MG) { int i, j, k,weight; int v1, v2, type; char c1, c2; printf(Please input graph type DG(0) or UDG(1) :); scanf(%d, &type); if (type == 0) MG->type = DG; else if (type == 1) MG->type = UDG; else { printf(Please input correct graph type DG(0) or UDG(1)!); return; } printf(Please input vexmun : ); scanf(%d, &MG->vexnum); printf(Please input arcnum : ); scanf(%d, &MG->arcnum); getchar(); for (i = 1; i <= MG->vexnum; i++) { printf(Please input %dth vex(char):, i); scanf(%c, &MG->vexs[i]); getchar(); } //初始化鄰接矩陣 for (i = 1; i <= MG->vexnum; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= MG->vexnum; j++) { if(i == j) MG->arcs[i][j] = 0; else MG->arcs[i][j] = UN_REACH; } } //輸入邊的信息,建立鄰接矩陣 for (k = 1; k <= MG->arcnum; k++) { printf(Please input %dth arc v1(char) v2(char) weight(int): , k); scanf(%c %c %d, &c1, &c2,&weight); v1 = getIndexOfVexs(c1, MG); v2 = getIndexOfVexs(c2, MG); if (MG->type == 1) MG->arcs[v1][v2] = MG->arcs[v2][v1] = weight; else MG->arcs[v1][v2] = weight; getchar(); } } /** * 打印鄰接矩陣和頂點信息 */ void print_MG(MGraph MG) { int i, j; if(MG.type == DG){ printf(Graph type: Direct graph ); } else{ printf(Graph type: Undirect graph ); } printf(Graph vertex number: %d ,MG.vexnum); printf(Graph arc number: %d ,MG.arcnum); printf(Vertex set: ); for (i = 1; i <= MG.vexnum; i++) printf(%c , MG.vexs[i]); printf( Adjacency Matrix: ); for (i = 1; i <= MG.vexnum; i++) { j = 1; for (; j < MG.vexnum; j++) { printf(%d , MG.arcs[i][j]); } printf(%d , MG.arcs[i][j]); } } // 定義邊結構體 typedef struct{ int start; int end; int cost; }Edge; /* * * 由鄰接矩陣得到邊的信息 * * */ void init_edge(MGraph MG,Edge edge[]){ int i,j; int count = 0; if(MG.type == 0){ for(i = 1; i <= MG.vexnum;i++){ for (j = 1;j <= MG.vexnum;j++){ if(MG.arcs[i][j] != 0 && MG.arcs[i][j] != UN_REACH){ edge[count].start = i; edge[count].end = j; edge[count].cost = MG.arcs[i][j]; count++; } } } } else{ for(i = 1; i <= MG.vexnum;i++){ for (j = i;j <= MG.vexnum;j++){ if(MG.arcs[i][j] != 0 && MG.arcs[i][j] != UN_REACH){ edge[count].start = i; edge[count].end = j; edge[count].cost = MG.arcs[i][j]; count++; } } } } } /* * * 將邊按權值從大到小排序 * */ void sort_edge(Edge edge[],int arcnum){ int i,j; Edge temp; for(i = 0; i < arcnum - 1;i++){ for (j = i+1;j < arcnum;j++){ if(edge[i].cost > edge[j].cost){ temp = edge[i]; edge[i] = edge[j]; edge[j] = temp; } } } } /* * * 輸出邊的信息 * */ void print_edge(Edge edge[],int arcnum){ int i = 0; while(i < arcnum){ printf(%d,%d,%d ,edge[i].start,edge[i].end,edge[i].cost); i++; } } /** * 找出指定節點的所屬的連通分量,這裡是找出其根節點在father數組中下標。 **/ int findFather(int father[],int v){ int t = v; while(father[t] != -1) t = father[t]; return t; } /* * *Kruskal算法求最小生成樹 * */ void Kruskal_MG(MGraph MG,Edge edge[]){ int father[MAX_VEX_NUM]; int i,count,vf1,vf2; // 初始化father數組 for(i = 0;i < MAX_VEX_NUM;i++){ father[i] = -1; } i = 0; count = 0; // 統計加入最小生樹中的邊數 // 遍歷任意兩個結點之間的邊 while(i < MG.arcnum && count < MG.arcnum){ vf1 = findFather(father,edge[i].start); vf2 = findFather(father,edge[i].end); // 如果這兩個節點不屬於同一個連通分量,則加入同一個連通分量 if (vf1 != vf2){ father[vf2] = vf1; count++; printf(%c,%c,%d ,MG.vexs[edge[i].start],MG.vexs[edge[i].end],edge[i].cost); } i++; } } /** * 主函數 */ int main(void) { MGraph MG; Edge edge[MAX_ARC_NUM]; create_MG(&MG); print_MG(MG); init_edge(MG,edge); sort_edge(edge,MG.arcnum); printf(the result of Kruskal: ); Kruskal_MG(MG,edge); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
jesson@jesson-K43SV:~/develop/worksapce/c_learning/最小生成樹$ gcc -o Kruskal Kruskal.c jesson@jesson-K43SV:~/develop/worksapce/c_learning/最小生成樹$ ./Kruskal Please input graph type DG(0) or UDG(1) :0 Please input vexmun : 4 Please input arcnum : 5 Please input 1th vex(char):a Please input 2th vex(char):b Please input 3th vex(char):c Please input 4th vex(char):d Please input 1th arc v1(char) v2(char) weight(int): a b 1 Please input 2th arc v1(char) v2(char) weight(int): a c 3 Please input 3th arc v1(char) v2(char) weight(int): a d 4 Please input 4th arc v1(char) v2(char) weight(int): b c 2 Please input 5th arc v1(char) v2(char) weight(int): c d 3 Graph type: Direct graph Graph vertex number: 4 Graph arc number: 5 Vertex set: a b c d Adjacency Matrix: 0 1 3 4 1000 0 2 1000 1000 1000 0 3 1000 1000 1000 0 the result of Kruskal: a,b,1 b,c,2 c,d,3