#includechar get_choice(void); char get_first(void); int get_int(void); void count(void); int main(){ int choice; void count (void);
while ((choice =get_choice())!='q') { switch(choice) { case 'a' : printf("Buy low ,shell high \n"); break; case 'b' : putchar('\a'); break; case 'c' : count(); break; default : printf("Buy adbcxz \n"); break; } } printf("Bye .\n" ); return 0; } void count (void) { int n ,i; printf("Count how far ? Enter an integer : \n"); n=get_int(); for(i=1; i<=n;i++) { printf("%d\n",i); } while (getchar() !='\n') continue; } char get_choice(void) { char ch; printf("Enter the letter of your choice :\n"); printf(" a. advice b. bell\n"); printf("c. count d.quit\n"); ch=get_first(); while((ch<'a'||ch>'c') && ch!='q') { printf("please respond with a,b,c,or q\n"); ch=get_first(); } return ch; } //獲取輸入字符串 char get_first(void) { char ch; ch=getchar(); while(getchar() !='\n') continue; return ch; } int get_int(void) { int input; char ch; while(scanf("%d",&input) !=1) { while((ch= getchar()) !='\n') putchar(ch); printf(" is not an integer .\n please enter an "); printf("integer value ,such as 25, -178, or 3:"); } return input; }