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POJ 1141 Brackets Sequence,pojbrackets


POJ 1141 Brackets Sequence,pojbrackets

Brackets Sequence

Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 30738   Accepted: 8817   Special Judge


Let us define a regular brackets sequence in the following way:

1. Empty sequence is a regular sequence.
2. If S is a regular sequence, then (S) and [S] are both regular sequences.
3. If A and B are regular sequences, then AB is a regular sequence.

For example, all of the following sequences of characters are regular brackets sequences:

(), [], (()), ([]), ()[], ()[()]

And all of the following character sequences are not:

(, [, ), )(, ([)], ([(]

Some sequence of characters '(', ')', '[', and ']' is given. You are to find the shortest possible regular brackets sequence, that contains the given character sequence as a subsequence. Here, a string a1 a2 ... an is called a subsequence of the string b1 b2 ... bm, if there exist such indices 1 = i1 < i2 < ... < in = m, that aj = bij for all 1 = j = n.


The input file contains at most 100 brackets (characters '(', ')', '[' and ']') that are situated on a single line without any other characters among them.


Write to the output file a single line that contains some regular brackets sequence that has the minimal possible length and contains the given sequence as a subsequence.

Sample Input


Sample Output



Northeastern Europe 2001   題目大意:輸入一個長度不超過100的括號序列,添加盡量少的括號,使其得到一個合法的括號序列,並且輸出這個合法的括號序列。如果存在多個解,輸出任意一個合法的括號序列即可。關於合法的括號序列的定義,參見我的另一篇博客:http://www.cnblogs.com/Silenceneo-xw/p/5936944.html,在此不再贅述。   解題思路:與POJ 2955 Brackets這題一樣,是一個區間DP的題。思想很類似,但有些許差異。設dp[l][r]表示區間[l,r]內至少需要增加的括號數,則狀態轉移如下: 1、l==r時,dp[l][r]顯然為1; 2、l與r匹配時,dp[l][r] = min(dp[l][r], dp[l+1][r-1]); 3、l與r不匹配時,可將區間[l,r]分成兩個區間[l,mid]和[mid+1,r],其中l<=mid<r。 注意:不管上述2是否滿足,都要去嘗試上述3,否則就會出現"[][]"轉移到"]["的情況,這樣就只能夠添加兩個括號了。還有一個注意點就是,當l>r時,要更新dp[l][r]=0,否則在輸出結果時,類似"[][]"的結果輸不出來,因為不符合判斷條件。詳見代碼。   附上AC代碼: 1 #include <cstdio> 2 #include <cstring> 3 #include <algorithm> 4 using namespace std; 5 const int maxn = 105; 6 const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f; 7 char str[maxn]; 8 int dp[maxn][maxn]; 9 10 bool match(char a, char b){ 11 return (a=='('&&b==')') || (a=='['&&b==']'); 12 } 13 14 int dfs(int l, int r){ 15 if (l > r) 16 return dp[l][r] = 0; 17 if (l == r) 18 return dp[l][r] = 1; 19 if (dp[l][r] != inf) 20 return dp[l][r]; 21 int ans = dp[l][r]; 22 if (match(str[l], str[r])) 23 ans = min(ans, dfs(l+1, r-1)); 24 for (int i=l; i<r; ++i) 25 ans = min(ans, dfs(l, i)+dfs(i+1, r)); 26 return dp[l][r] = ans; 27 } 28 29 void print(int l, int r){ 30 if (l > r) 31 return ; 32 if (l == r){ 33 if (str[l]=='(' || str[r]==')') 34 printf("()"); 35 else 36 printf("[]"); 37 return ; 38 } 39 int ans = dp[l][r]; 40 if (match(str[l], str[r]) && ans==dp[l+1][r-1]){ 41 putchar(str[l]); 42 print(l+1, r-1); 43 putchar(str[r]); 44 return ; 45 } 46 for (int i=l; i<r; ++i) 47 if (ans == dp[l][i]+dp[i+1][r]){ 48 print(l, i); 49 print(i+1, r); 50 return ; 51 } 52 } 53 54 int main(){ 55 while (fgets(str, maxn, stdin)){ 56 int n = strlen(str); 57 str[n-1] = '\0'; 58 --n; 59 memset(dp, inf, sizeof(dp)); 60 dfs(0, n-1); 61 print(0, n-1); 62 putchar('\n'); 63 } 64 return 0; 65 } View Code


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