輸入: s = “abc”, p = “a*b*e”
輸出: False
與 Regular Expression Matching 同類型的題,不過換了不同類型的通配符。剛開始寫了一個動態規劃,結果超時了,轉換了下思路,改用回溯法。用兩個指針分別來表示目標串和模式串遍歷到的當前位置,如果兩個字符相等(考慮”?”通配符),則繼續前進,如果是”*”通配符,那麼要記錄下目標字符串當前位置,及模式串下一個位置,現在假設的是”*”用來匹配0個字符,繼續嘗試匹配,如果後面出現不匹配的情況,那麼應該回退到這兩個位置(目標串的位置要向後移一位,否則會不斷回退到原來的位置),發生一次回退,代表著”*”要多匹配掉一個字符。按照這種方式不斷嘗試匹配,直到目標串都已經匹配掉或者匹配失敗(匹配串中沒有”*”,且不能匹配整個目標串)。這時候要看看匹配串是否還有剩余除了”*”以外的字符。如果最終匹配串都全部遍歷完了,那麼說明匹配成功。
class Solution(object):
def isMatch(self, s, p):
:type s: str
:type p: str
:rtype: bool
p_index, s_index, last_s_index, last_p_index = 0, 0, -1, -1
while s_index < len(s):
# Normal match including '?'
if p_index < len(p) and (s[s_index] == p[p_index] or p[p_index] == '?'):
s_index += 1
p_index += 1
# Match with '*'
elif p_index < len(p) and p[p_index] == '*':
p_index += 1
last_s_index = s_index
last_p_index = p_index
# Not match, but there is a '*' before
elif last_p_index != -1:
last_s_index += 1
s_index = last_s_index
p_index = last_p_index
# Not match and there is no '*' before
return False
# Check if there is still character except '*' in the pattern
while p_index < len(p) and p[p_index] == '*':
p_index += 1
# If finish scanning both string and pattern, then it matches well
return p_index == len(p)
if __name__ == "__main__":
assert Solution().isMatch("aa", "a") == False
assert Solution().isMatch("aa", "aa") == True
assert Solution().isMatch("aaa", "aa") == False
assert Solution().isMatch("aa", "*") == True
assert Solution().isMatch("aa", "a*") == True
assert Solution().isMatch("ab", "?*") == True
assert Solution().isMatch("aab", "c*a*b") == False