66. Plus One
My SubmissionsTotal Accepted: 77253 Total Submissions: 242942 Difficulty: EasyGiven a non-negative number represented as an array of digits, plus one to the number.
The digits are stored such that the most significant digit is at the head of the list.
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Hide Tags Array Math Show Similar Problems//首先理清思路:題目說用一個數組來代表一個非負的整數,數組中存儲著該數的每一個位 //顯然數組的末尾是數的最低位,開始是最高位 //如果低位小於9,顯然直接+1就可以了 //如果=9,那麼該位置零,向倒數第二位+1,同樣判斷是否小於9,小於則直接+1,否則向數組前面進位 //一種極端的情況:比如999,進位後1000,變長了 class Solution { public: vectorplusOne(vector & digits) { vector ans=digits; int i=0; for (i=ans.size()-1; i>=0; i--) //從低位開始遍歷,逆序遍歷 { if(i==0 && ans[0] ==9) {//處理極端情況 ans[i] = 0; vector ::iterator ansiter=ans.begin(); ans.insert ( ansiter, 1); break; } if (ans[i] != 9) { ans[i] += 1; break; } else { ans[i] = 0; } } return ans; } };