public class Solution { public string NumberToWords(int num) { if(num == 0){ return Zero; } var str = num.ToString(); if(num > 999999999){ var s1 = str.Substring(0,str.Length - 9); var n1 = int.Parse(s1); var s2 = str.Substring(str.Length - 9, 9); var s = Millions(s1) + Billion + Millions(s2); s = s.TrimEnd(); return s; } else{ return Millions(str); } } private string Millions(string str) { var n = int.Parse(str); if(n > 999999){ var s1 = str.Substring(0,str.Length - 6); var n1 = int.Parse(s1); var s2 = str.Substring(str.Length - 6, 6); var s = Thousands(s1) + Million + Thousands(s2); s = s.TrimEnd(); return s; } else{ return Thousands(n.ToString()); } } private string Thousands(string str) { var n = int.Parse(str); if(n > 999){ var s1 = str.Substring(0,str.Length - 3); var n1 = int.Parse(s1); var s2 = str.Substring(str.Length - 3, 3); var s = Hundreds(s1)+ Thousand + Hundreds(s2); s = s.TrimEnd(); return s; } else{ return Hundreds(n.ToString()); } } private string Hundreds(string str) { int n = int.Parse(str); if(n < 10){ return Digit(str.Last()); } else if(n == 10){ return Ten; } else if(n > 10 && n < 20) { return Teen(str.Substring(str.Length - 2,2)); } else if(n >= 20 && n < 100) { return Ty(str.Substring(str.Length - 2,2)); } else if(n >= 100 && n <= 999) { var c1 = str[0]; var s = Digit(c1) + Hundred; var c2 = str[1]; var c3 = str[2]; if(c2 == '0'){ return c3 != '0' ? s + + Digit(c3) : s; } if(c2 == '1'){ return s + + Teen(str.Substring(str.Length - 2,2)); } else{ return s + + Ty(str.Substring(str.Length - 2,2)); } } else{ throw new ArgumentException(input should be less than 1000); } } private string Teen(string str) { switch(str){ case 10: return Ten; case 11: return Eleven; case 12: return Twelve; case 13: return Thirteen; case 14: return Fourteen; case 15: return Fifteen; case 16: return Sixteen; case 17: return Seventeen; case 18: return Eighteen; case 19: return Nineteen; default : throw new ArgumentException(input should be from 11 to 19 ONLY.); } } private string Ty(string str) { var c1 = str[0]; var c2 = str[1]; var space = c2 == '0' ? : ; switch(c1){ case '2': return Twenty +space+ Digit(c2); case '3': return Thirty +space+ Digit(c2); case '4': return Forty +space+ Digit(c2); case '5': return Fifty +space+ Digit(c2); case '6': return Sixty +space+ Digit(c2); case '7': return Seventy +space+ Digit(c2); case '8': return Eighty +space+ Digit(c2); case '9': return Ninety +space+ Digit(c2); default : throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(input should between [20,99], but got {0},c1)); } } private string Digit(char c) { switch(c){ case '0': return ; case '1': return One; case '2': return Two; case '3': return Three; case '4': return Four; case '5': return Five; case '6': return Six; case '7': return Seven; case '8': return Eight; case '9': return Nine; default : throw new ArgumentException(input should beteen [0-9]); } } }