HDU 3887 Counting Offspring(DFS序求子樹權值和)
Problem Description You are given a tree, it’s root is p, and the node is numbered from 1 to n. Now define f(i) as the number of nodes whose number is less than i in all the succeeding nodes of node i. Now we need to calculate f(i) for any possible i.
Input Multiple cases (no more than 10), for each case:
The first line contains two integers n (0
Following n-1 lines, each line has two integers, representing an edge in this tree.
The input terminates with two zeros.
Output For each test case, output n integer in one line representing f(1), f(2) … f(n), separated by a space.
Sample Input
15 7
7 10
7 1
7 9
7 3
7 4
10 14
14 2
14 13
9 11
9 6
6 5
6 8
3 15
3 12
0 0
Sample Output
0 0 0 0 0 1 6 0 3 1 0 0 0 2 0
題意:求以x為根節點的子樹權值和。 題解:求得dfs序之後,就是簡單的求和問題,BIT/線段樹均可。 因為題目是求比當前x小的,所以我們要從大的開始更新。不想手動模擬請加棧
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