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Fresco源碼解析 - Hierarachy-View-Controller


Fresco源碼解析 - Hierarachy-View-Controller


M -> DraweeHierarchy V -> DraweeView C -> DraweeController

M 所對應的 DraweeHierarchy 是一個有層次結構的數據結構,DraweeView 用來顯示位於 DraweeHierarchy 最頂層的圖像(top level drawable),DraweeController 則用來控制 DraweeHierarchy 的頂層圖像是哪一個。

 o FadeDrawable (top level drawable)
 +--o ScaleTypeDrawable
 |  |
 |  +--o BitmapDrawable
 +--o ScaleTypeDrawable
    +--o BitmapDrawable

三者的互動關系很簡單,DraweeView 把獲得的 Event 轉發給 Controller,然後 Controller 根據 Event 來決定是否需要顯示和隱藏 (包括動畫)圖像,而這些圖像都存儲在 Hierarchy 中,最後 DraweeView 繪制時直接通過 getTopLevelDrawable 就可以獲取需要顯示的圖像。


需要注意的是,雖然現在最新的代碼中,DraweeView 還是繼承自 ImageView,但是以後會直接繼承 View,所以我們用 DraweeView 時,盡量不要使用 ImageView 的API,例如 setImageXxxsetScaleType,注釋裡也寫得很清楚。

Although ImageView is subclassed instead of subclassing View directly, this class does not suppZ喎?http://www.Bkjia.com/kf/ware/vc/" target="_blank" class="keylink">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"brush:java;"> public class DraweeHolder implements VisibilityCallback { // other properties private DH mHierarchy; private DraweeController mController = null; // methods }

DraweeHolder 存儲了 mHierarchymController,FB 為什麼要這麼設計呢?注釋裡也寫得很清楚:

Drawee users, should, as a rule, use DraweeView or its subclasses. There are situations where custom views are required, however, and this class is for those circumstances.

稍微解釋一下,這是一個解耦的設計,當我們不想使用 DraweeView,通過 ViewHolder 照樣可以使用其他兩個組件。比方說,自定義一個View,然後像 DraweeView 那樣,在 View 中添加一個 DrawHolder 的成員變量。

再來看 DraweeView 的代碼:

public class DraweeView extends ImageView {
  // other methods and properties

  /** Sets the hierarchy. */
  public void setHierarchy(DH hierarchy) {

  /** Sets the controller. */
  public void setController(@Nullable DraweeController draweeController) {

每次為 DraweeView 設置 hierarchycontroller 時,會同時通過 super.setImageDrawable(mDraweeHolder.getTopLevelDrawable()) 更新需要顯示的圖像。

 * Gets the top-level drawable if hierarchy is set, null otherwise.
public Drawable getTopLevelDrawable() {
  return mHierarchy == null ? null : mHierarchy.getTopLevelDrawable();

DraweeHierarchy 只定義了一個方法 - getTopLevelDrawable

public interface DraweeHierarchy {

   * Returns the top level drawable in the corresponding hierarchy. Hierarchy should always have
   * the same instance of its top level drawable.
   * @return top level drawable
  public Drawable getTopLevelDrawable();

DraweeController 也是一個接口,暴露了設置 hierarchy 和接收 Event 的方法。

void setHierarchy(@Nullable DraweeHierarchy hierarchy) public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)
 * Interface that represents a Drawee controller used by a DraweeView.

The view forwards events to the controller. The controller controls * its hierarchy based on those events. */ public interface DraweeController { /** Gets the hierarchy. */ @Nullable public DraweeHierarchy getHierarchy(); /** Sets a new hierarchy. */ void setHierarchy(@Nullable DraweeHierarchy hierarchy); /** * Called when the view containing the hierarchy is attached to a window * (either temporarily or permanently). */ public void onAttach(); /** * Called when the view containing the hierarchy is detached from a window * (either temporarily or permanently). */ public void onDetach(); /** * Called when the view containing the hierarchy receives a touch event. * @return true if the event was handled by the controller, false otherwise */ public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event); /** * For an animated image, returns an Animatable that lets clients control the animation. * @return animatable, or null if the image is not animated or not loaded yet */ public Animatable getAnimatable(); }

通過以上分析可以看出,DraweeControllerDraweeHierarchyDraweeView 三者共同構成了 Fresco 的三駕馬車,下面的博文會各個擊破,分析他們的實現原理和代碼層次。

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