Use Line Numbers as an Address<喎?" target="_blank" class="keylink">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"這裡寫圖片描述" src="" title="\" />
If we press the : key now, the command-line prompt will be prepopulated with the range :’<,’>. It looks cryptic, but you can think of it simply as a range standing for the visual selection. Then we can specify our Ex command, and it will execute on every selected line:
如果這時我們輸入: ,命令提示會彈出范圍 :’<,’> 。這個看起來很奇怪,但是你可以把這個當作一個visual selection的選擇范圍。然後我們可以輸入Ex命令,然後就會在每一行上執行。
The ‘< symbol is a mark standing for the first line of the visual selection, while ‘> stands for the last line of the visual selection.
‘<表示visual selection的第一行,’>表示visual selection的最後一行。
Specify a Range of Lines by Patterns
Vim also accepts a pattern as an address for an Ex command, such as the one shown here:
the range begins on the line containing an opening
Modify an Address Using an Offset
Suppose that we wanted to run an Ex command on every line inside the
If n is omitted, it defaults to 1. The {address} could be a line number, a mark, or a pattern.
如果沒有n,默認值為1. address可以為行數,mark,或pattern.
Suppose that we wanted to execute a command on a particular number of lines, starting with the current line. We could use an offset relative to the current line:
The . symbol stands for the current line, so :.,.+3 is equivalent to :2,5 in this case.
. 表示當前行,所以 :.,.+3
Line 0 doesn ’t really exist, but it can be useful as an address in certain contexts. In particular, it can be used as the final argument in the :copy {address} and :move {address} commands when we want to copy or move a range of lines to the top of a file
0行並不存在,不過在特定上下文中非常有用。特別是當我們項復制或移動一段代碼到文件的頭部的時候,它可以作為:copy {address}
和:move {address}