Fraction to Recurring Decimal
Given two integers representing the numerator and denominator of a fraction, return the fraction in string format.
If the fractional part is repeating, enclose the repeating part in parentheses.
For example,
class Solution { public: string fractionToDecimal(int numerator, int denominator) { string result = ""; long long numberatorL = (long long)numerator; long long denominatorL = (long long)denominator; if (numberatorL * denominatorL < 0){ //注意負數的情況 result += "-"; numberatorL = -numberatorL; } long long quotient = numberatorL / denominatorL; //商 result += intToStr(quotient); long long remainder = numberatorL % denominatorL; //余數 if (remainder != 0){ result += '.'; int position = -1; int repeatStartPosition = -1; //循環起始位 mappositionToQuotient; //位置到商,從某個位置開始為循環小數 map remainderToPosition; //余數到位置 remainderToPosition.insert(map ::value_type(remainder, position)); position++; while (remainder != 0){ remainder *= 10; quotient = remainder / denominatorL; remainder = remainder % denominatorL; positionToQuotient.insert(map ::value_type(position, quotient)); map ::iterator it = remainderToPosition.find(remainder); if (it != remainderToPosition.end()){ //若余數已經存在過 repeatStartPosition = it->second + 1; break; } remainderToPosition.insert(map ::value_type(remainder, position)); position++; } for (map ::iterator it = positionToQuotient.begin(); it != positionToQuotient.end(); it++){ if (it->first == repeatStartPosition){ result += "("; } result += intToStr(it->second); } if (repeatStartPosition >= 0){ result += ")"; } } return result; } private: string intToStr(long long number){ string result = ""; do{ result = (char)(number % 10 + '0') + result; number /= 10; } while (number != 0); return result; } };