class A{}; class B:public A{}; class C:public A,public B{}; void test() { C c; A& cf =c;//wrong,don't try this at home. B& cbf =c;//right A& caf = cbf;//right }
這個問題已經解決了,具體解決方案請參看Loki源碼 Loki源碼
template <typename... T> struct TypeList; template <int I, typename Arg> struct at; template <int I, typename Head, typename... Tail> struct at<I, TypeList<Head, Tail...>> { typedef typename at<I - 1, TypeList<Tail...>>::type type; }; template <class Head, typename... Tail> struct at<0, TypeList<Head, Tail...>> { typedef Head type; }; template <int N, class Seq> struct drop; template <int N, class Head, class... Tail> struct drop<N, TypeList<Head, Tail...>> { typedef typename drop<N-1, TypeList<Tail...>>::type type; }; template <class Head, class... Tail> struct drop<0, TypeList<Head, Tail...>> { typedef TypeList<Head, Tail...> type; };
namespace Private { // The following type helps to overcome subtle flaw in the original // implementation of GenScatterHierarchy. // The flaw is revealed when the input type list of GenScatterHierarchy // contains more then one element of the same type (e.g. LOKI_TYPELIST_2(int, int)). // In this case GenScatterHierarchy will contain multiple bases of the same // type and some of them will not be reachable (per 10.3). // For example before the fix the first element of Tuple<LOKI_TYPELIST_2(int, int)> // is not reachable in any way! template<class, class> struct UniqueTag; } template <typename Head,typename... Tails, template <typename> class Unit> class Genorater<TypeList<Head,Tails...>,Unit> :public Genorater<Private::UniqueTag<Head,TypeList<Head,Tails...>>,Unit>,public Genorater<TypeList<Tails...>,Unit> {}; template <typename Head,typename... Tails,template <typename> class Unit> class Genorater<Private::UniqueTag<Head,TypeList<Head,Tails...>>,Unit>:public Unit<Head> {};
template <int I,typename... TList,template <typename> class Unit> Unit<typename at<I,TypeList<TList...>>::type>& FieldHelper(Genorater<TypeList<TList...>,Unit>& obj) { Genorater<Private::UniqueTag<typename at<I,TypeList<TList...>>::type,typename drop<I,TypeList<TList...>>::type>,Unit>& leftBase = obj; return leftBase; } template <int I,typename... TList, template <typename> class Unit> Unit<typename at<I,TypeList<TList...>>::type>& Field(Genorater<TypeList<TList...>,Unit>& obj) { //return FieldHelper(obj,Int2Type<I>()); return FieldHelper<I>(obj); }
typedef TypeList<double,int,double,string> myList; typedef Genorater<myList,Holder> Info; int main() { cout << "Hello world!" << endl; Info obj; cout<<typeid(obj).name()<<endl; Field<1>(obj).value_=1; Field<2>(obj).value_=2; Field<3>(obj).value_="hao123"; cout<< Field<1>(obj).value_<<endl; cout<< Field<2>(obj).value_<<endl; cout<< Field<3>(obj).value_<<endl; return 0; }
namespace Private { template<class, class...> struct UniqueTag; } template <typename Head,typename... Tails, template <typename> class Unit> class Genorater<TypeList<Head,Tails...>,Unit> :public Genorater<Private::UniqueTag<Head,Tails...>,Unit>,public Genorater<TypeList<Tails...>,Unit> {}; template <typename Head,typename... Tails,template <typename> class Unit> class Genorater<Private::UniqueTag<Head,Tails...>,Unit>:public Unit<Head> {}; template <typename Head,typename... TList,template <typename> class Unit> Unit<Head>& FieldHelper(Genorater<TypeList<Head,TList...>,Unit>& obj,Int2Type<0>){ Genorater<Private::UniqueTag<Head,TList...>,Unit>& leftBase = obj; return leftBase; } template <int I,typename Head,typename... TList, template <typename> class Unit> Unit<typename at<I,TypeList<Head,TList...>>::type>& FieldHelper(Genorater<TypeList<Head,TList...>,Unit>& obj,Int2Type<I>){ Genorater <TypeList<TList...>,Unit>& rightBase = obj; return FieldHelper(rightBase,Int2Type<I-1>()); }