Key Concept: Types
Types are one of the most fundamental concepts in programming and a
concept that we will come back to over and over in this Primer. A type
defines both the contents of a data element and the operations that are
possible on those data.
The data our programs manipulate are stored in variables and every
variable has a type. When the type of a variable named v is T, we often say
that “v has type T” or, interchangeably, that “v is a T.”
(PS: Java 由C++發展而來,所以在類型這個概念上十分相似)
Most of the examples in this book use the iostream library. Fundamental to the
iostream library are two types named istream and ostream, which represent input
and output streams, respectively. A stream is a sequence of characters read from or
written to an IO device.
本書多數示例使用的是iostream 庫,iostream庫中最重要的兩個類型是istream和ostream
他們分別代表輸入流和輸出流。 流是一種從IO設備中讀取或者寫入的字符序列。
0001 transaction 事務
0002 terminate 結束 解雇 使終結
0003 concept 概念 觀念 思想
0004 fundamental 基礎的 基本的 重要的
0005 particular 特別的;詳細的;獨有的;挑剔的
0006 colleague 同事
0007 concentrate 專注 專心 注意 集中
0008 Naming Convention 命名約定 命令規則
0009 suffix 後綴 (文件名後綴 etc.)
0010 prompt adj. 敏捷的;迅速的;v. 促使;導致 n. 激勵;提示
0011 omitted 省略 遺漏 刪掉