Given an input string, reverse the string word by word.
For example,
Given s = "the sky is blue
return "blue is sky the
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這題的思路不用多說,完全是爛大街的題,不就是先以每個單詞為單位,進行翻轉,再以整句話為單位進行翻轉嗎?呵呵,太簡單了,以為簡單你就能做對那可就大錯特錯了,題干裡的的說明還要求去除首尾空格,並壓縮多個空格為一個空格,所以會有N多邊界條件要考慮,我竟然編譯了N次才通過leetcode OJ,作為一個正式工作一年多的程序員,實在是對不起國家,邊界條件的確是考察一個人思維嚴謹性甚至記憶力的試金石!
class Solution { public: Solution(){} void reverse(std::string &s, int f, int e) { while (e>f) { char tmp = s.at(f); s.at(f) = s.at(e); s.at(e) = tmp; f++; e--; } } void squeeze(std::string &s) { int i = 0; std::string re = ""; char prev = NULL; bool flag = false; while (i < s.size()) { if (s.at(i)!=' ') { if (flag&&prev == ' ') { re.push_back(' '); } re.push_back(s.at(i)); } if (s.at(i) == ' '&&prev !=NULL &&prev!= ' ') { flag = true; } prev = s.at(i); i++; } s = re; } void reverseWords(std::string &s) { int i = 0; int f=0, e=0; char prev = ' '; while (i