Figure 1 shows a graphical representation of a binary tree of letters. PeZ†·Ÿ"" target="_blank" class="keylink">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"s left subtree,
The preorder traversal of the root's right subtree.
The preorder traversal of the tree in Figure 1 is KGCBDHQMPY.
A tree like the one in Figure 1 is also a binary search tree of letters. A binary search tree of letters is a binary tree of letters in which each node satisfies:
The root's data comes later in the alphabet than all the data in the nodes in the left subtree.
The root's data comes earlier in the alphabet than all the data in the nodes in the right subtree.
The problem:
Consider the following sequence of operations on a binary search tree of letters
Remove the leaves and list the data removed
Repeat this procedure until the tree is empty
Starting from the tree below on the left, we produce the sequence of trees shown, and then the empty tree
The input will contain one or more data sets. Each data set is a sequence of one or more lines of capital letters.Output
For each input data set, there is a unique binary search tree that would produce the sequence of leaves. The output is a line containing only the preorder traversal of that tree, with no blanks.Sample Input
Sample Output
#include#include #include typedef char Elemtype; typedef struct BiTnode { Elemtype data; struct BiTnode *lchild, *rchild; }BiTNode, *BiTree; //BST²åÈ뺯Êý void Insert( BiTree *t, Elemtype e ) { if( NULL == *t ) { (*t) = (BiTree)malloc(sizeof(BiTNode)); (*t)->data = e; (*t)->lchild = (*t)->rchild = NULL; } else if( e < (*t)->data ) Insert( &(*t)->lchild, e ); else if( e > (*t)->data ) Insert( &(*t)->rchild, e ); } //BST´´½¨º¯Êý void CreateBST( BiTree *t, Elemtype *a ) { (*t) = NULL; int len = strlen( a ); for( int i=0; i data); PreOrderBST( t->lchild ); PreOrderBST( t->rchild ); } } int main() { char a[50], b[50]; int i = 0; int j = 0; BiTree t; char ch; while( EOF != scanf("%c",&ch) ) { if( '*' != ch && '$' != ch) a[i++] = ch; else { for( ; i>0; i-- ) { //¿ÉÒÔÓÅ»¯ if( '\n' != a[i-1] ) b[j++]=a[i-1]; } b[j] = '\0'; CreateBST( &t, b ); PreOrderBST( t ); printf("\n"); if( '$' == ch ) break; i = 0; j = 0; } } return 0; }