During the Annual Interstellar Competition for Tuned Spaceships, N spaceships will be competing. Each spaceship i is tuned in such a way that it can accelerate in zero time to its maximum speed Vi and remain cruising at that speed. Due to past achievements, each spaceship starts at a starting position Xi, specifying how many kilometers the spaceship is away from the starting line.Input
The first line of the input specifies the number of spaceshipsN (0 < N <= 250 000) that are competing. Each of the next N lines describe the properties of one spaceship. The i+1th line describes the ith ship with two integers Xi and Vi, representing the starting position and the velocity of the ith spaceship (0 <= Xi <= 1 000 000, 0 < Vi < 100). The spaceships are ordered according to the starting position, i.e. X1 < X2 < . . . < XN. The starting position is the number of kilometers past the starting line where the spaceship starts, and the velocity is given in kilometers per second.Output
The first line of the output should contain the number of times that spaceships pass one another during the race modulo 1 000 000. By publishing the number of passes only modulo 1 000 000, you can at the same time prove your knowledge of it and don't spoil the party for the less intelligent people in the audience.Sample Input
4 0 2 2 1 3 8 6 3
Sample Output
2 3 4 1 2
<喎?" target="_blank" class="keylink">vcHJlPgo8cHJlIGNsYXNzPQ=="brush:java;">這樣,我就能保證每次輸入的就是當前最早超越的飛船!
#include#include #include #include using namespace std; const int maxn1 = 250010; const int maxn2 = 110; const int mod = 1000000; struct tree1{ int l , r , sum; }a1[4*maxn2]; struct plane{ int x , v; }P[maxn1]; struct tree2{ int l , r , Max; }a2[4*maxn1]; struct Node{ int l , r; }node[maxn1]; int N; void build1(int l , int r , int k){ a1[k].l = l; a1[k].r = r; a1[k].sum = 0; if(l != r){ int mid = (l+r)/2; build1(l , mid , 2*k); build1(mid+1 , r , 2*k+1); } } void add1(int l , int r , int k){ if(l <= a1[k].l && a1[k].r <= r) a1[k].sum++; else{ int mid = (a1[k].l+a1[k].r)/2; if(mid >= r) add1(l , r , 2*k); else add1(l , r , 2*k+1); a1[k].sum = (a1[2*k].sum+a1[2*k+1].sum)%mod; } } int query1(int l , int r , int k){ if(l <= a1[k].l && a1[k].r <= r) return a1[k].sum; else{ int mid = (a1[k].l+a1[k].r)/2; if(mid >= r) return query1(l , r , 2*k)%mod; else if(l > mid) return query1(l , r , 2*k+1)%mod; else return (query1(l , mid , 2*k)+query1(mid+1 , r , 2*k+1))%mod; } } void pushup(int k){ if(a2[2*k].Max == -1 && a2[2*k+1].Max == -1) a2[k].Max = -1; else if(a2[2*k].Max == -1) a2[k].Max = a2[2*k+1].Max; else if(a2[2*k+1].Max == -1) a2[k].Max = a2[2*k].Max; else{ int lson = a2[2*k].Max , rson = a2[2*k+1].Max; int lnode = (P[node[lson].r].v-P[node[lson].l].v)*(P[node[rson].r].x-P[node[rson].l].x); int rnode = (P[node[rson].r].v-P[node[rson].l].v)*(P[node[lson].r].x-P[node[lson].l].x); if(lnode <= rnode) a2[k].Max = a2[2*k].Max; else a2[k].Max = a2[2*k+1].Max; } } void build2(int l , int r , int k){ a2[k].l = l; a2[k].r = r; a2[k].Max = -1; if(l == r){ if(P[node[l].l].v <= P[node[l].r].v) a2[k].Max = -1; else a2[k].Max = l; }else{ int mid = (l+r)/2; build2(l , mid , 2*k); build2(mid+1 , r , 2*k+1); pushup(k); } } void update(int l , int r , int k){ if(l <= a2[k].l && a2[k].r <= r){ if(P[node[l].l].v <= P[node[l].r].v) a2[k].Max = -1; else a2[k].Max = l; }else{ int mid = (a2[k].l+a2[k].r)/2; if(r <= mid) update(l , r , 2*k); else update(l , r , 2*k+1); pushup(k); } } void computing(){ for(int i = 1; i < N; i++){ node[i].l = i; node[i].r = i+1; } build2(1 , N-1 , 1); int cnt = 0; while(cnt < 10000){ if(a2[1].Max == -1) break; int m = a2[1].Max; printf("%d %d\n" , node[m].l , node[m].r); swap(node[m].l , node[m].r); update(m , m , 1); if(m-1 >= 1){ node[m-1].r = node[m].l; update(m-1 , m-1 , 1); } if(m+1 < N){ node[m+1].l = node[m].r; update(m+1 , m+1 , 1); } cnt++; } } void readcase(){ build1(1 , 100 , 1); int ans = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= N; i++){ scanf("%d%d" , &P[i].x , &P[i].v); ans = (ans+query1(P[i].v+1 , 100 , 1))%mod; add1(P[i].v , P[i].v , 1); } printf("%d\n" , ans); if(ans != 0) computing(); } int main(){ while(~scanf("%d" , &N)){ readcase(); } return 0; }