Triangle War
Time Limit: 1000MS
Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 2685
Accepted: 1061
Triangle War is a two-player game played on the following triangular grid:
Two players, A and B, take turns filling in any dotted line connecting two dots, with A starting first. Once a line is filled, it cannot be filled again. If the line filled by a player completes one or mZ喎?" target="_blank" class="keylink">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"" alt="\">
Then, she owns the triangle labelled A and takes another turn to fill in the line between 3 and 5. B can now own 3 triangles (if he wishes) by filling in the line between 2 and 3, then the one between 5 and 6, and finally the one between 6 and 9. B would then
make one more move before it is A"s turn again.
In this problem, you are given a number of moves that have already been made. From the partial game, you should determine which player will win assuming that each player plays a perfect game from that point on. That is, assume that each player always chooses
the play that leads to the best possible outcome for himself/herself.
You will be given a number of games in the input. The first line of input is a positive integer indicating the number of games to follow. Each game starts with an integer 6 <= m <= 18 indicating the number of moves that have been made in the game. The next
m lines indicate the moves made by the two players in order, each of the form i j (with i < j) indicating that the line between i and j is filled in that move. You may assume that all given moves are legal.
For each game, print the game number and the result on one line as shown below. If A wins, print the sentence "A wins." If B wins, print "B wins."
Sample Input
2 4
4 5
5 9
3 6
2 5
3 5
2 4
4 5
5 9
3 6
2 5
3 5
7 8
1 2
2 3
1 3
2 4
2 5
4 5
1 2
2 5
3 6
5 8
4 7
6 10
2 4
4 5
4 8
7 8
Sample Output
Game 1: B wins.
Game 2: A wins.
Game 3: A wins.
Game 4: B wins.
East Central North America 1999