Given two words (start and end), and a dictionary, find all shortest transformation sequence(s) from start to end, such that:
For example,
start = "hit"
end = "cog"
dict = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]
[ ["hit","hot","dot","dog","cog"], ["hit","hot","lot","log","cog"] ]
class Solution { public: vector< vector< string> > res; vector> findLadders(string start, string end, unordered_set &dict) { dict.insert(start); dict.insert(end); unordered_map< string, vector< string> > precursor;//保存每個詞對應的前驅詞 for( unordered_set< string>::const_iterator citer = dict.begin(); citer != dict.end(); ++citer)//初始化 precursor.insert( make_pair( *citer, vector< string>())); vector< unordered_set< string> >layers(2);//分別用來保存當前層的詞和之前層的詞 layers[0].insert(start); int cur = 0; int pre = 1; while(true){ cur = !cur;//兩層互換 pre = !pre; for( unordered_set< string>::const_iterator citer = layers[pre].begin(); citer != layers[pre].end(); ++citer) dict.erase(*citer);//刪除之前層裡出現在字典裡的詞 layers[cur].clear(); //bfs搜索之前層裡每個詞通過一次變換可以達到的詞,該詞如果在字典裡就放入當前層 for( unordered_set< string>::const_iterator citer = layers[pre].begin(); citer != layers[pre].end(); ++citer){ string str = *citer; for( int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i){ for( int j = 'a'; j <= 'z'; ++j){ if( str[i] == j) continue; string tmp = str; tmp[i] = j; if( dict.count(tmp)){ precursor[tmp].push_back(str); layers[cur].insert(tmp); } } } } if( layers[cur].empty())//如果當前層空,說明無法從start到end,結束 return res; if( layers[cur].count(end))//如果當前層出現end,說明已經找到了轉換,而且因為是根據層數來的,所以都是shortest break; } vector< string> path; generatePath( precursor, path, end); return res; } //從end開始從後往前遞歸 void generatePath( unordered_map< string, vector< string> > &precursor, vector< string> &path, string end){ if( precursor[end].size() == 0){//沒有前驅詞說明已經到了start path.push_back(end); vector< string> tmp = path; reverse( tmp.begin(), tmp.end());//反轉次序 res.push_back(tmp); path.pop_back(); } path.push_back(end); for( vector< string>::const_iterator citer = precursor[end].begin(); citer != precursor[end].end(); ++citer){ generatePath( precursor, path, *citer); } path.pop_back(); } };
class Solution { public: vector> findLadders(string start, string end, unordered_set &dict) { vector< vector< string> > res; vector< string> cur; cur.push_back(start); dict.insert(end); unordered_set< string> tmp = dict; int length = ladderLength(start, end, tmp); core( res, cur, start, end, dict, length); return res; } void core( vector< vector< string> > &res, vector< string> &cur, string start, string end, unordered_set< string> &dict, int l){ if( cur.size() > l) return; if( start == end){ res.push_back(cur); return; } for( int i = 0; i < start.size(); ++i){ for( int j = 'a'; j <= 'z'; ++j){ if( start[i] == j) continue; else{ string tmp = start; tmp[i] = j; if( dict.count(tmp)){ cur.push_back(tmp); dict.erase(tmp); core( res, cur, tmp, end, dict, l); cur.pop_back(); dict.insert(tmp); } } } } } int ladderLength(string start, string end, unordered_set &dict) { int shortest = INT_MAX; dict.insert(end); queue< pair< string, int> > q; q.push( pair< string, int>( start, 1)); while( !q.empty()){ pair< string, int> cur = q.front(); q.pop(); if( cur.first == end){ shortest = shortest < cur.second ? shortest : cur.second; continue; } string str = cur.first; for( int i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i){ for( int j = 'a'; j <= 'z'; ++j){ if( str[i] == j) continue; string tmp = str; tmp[i] = j; if( dict.count(tmp)){ q.push( make_pair( tmp, cur.second+1)); dict.erase(tmp); } } } } if( shortest == INT_MAX) return 0; return shortest; } };