Problem Description
give you a string, please output the result of the following function mod 1000000007
n is the length of the string
f() is the function of fibonacci, f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1...
a[i] is the total number of times any prefix appear in the suffix s[i....n-1].
(the prefix means s[0...i] )
所以i這個後綴出現的前綴的數量實際上就是num[i] + num[i+1] + .. num[n]. 求出來之後快速冪求斐波那契數列相應項大小即可。求lcp的時候是二分+hash;字符串hash中,seed為31(java庫源碼中是這個數,應該是效果比較好的)
* author:xiefubao
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