1. 對於一個任務隊列,任務的優先級由任務的priority屬性指明,這時候就需要優先級越高的先執行。而queue並沒有排序功能,這時priority_queue是比較好的選擇.
2 對於異步的task也是一樣,在不斷添加新的task時,當然希望優先級越高的先執行.
1. 如果需要把優先級最高的先pop,那麼comp比較時需要返回false.
//1.Elements are popped from the "back" of the specific container, //which is known as the top of the priority queue. //2.shall return true if a is considered to go before b // in the strict weak ordering the function defines #include#include #include #include using namespace std; class Task { public: Task(int priority):priority_(priority) { } ~Task(){} int priority_; void DoWork() { cout << "DoWork: " << (int)this << " priority: " << priority_ << endl; } }; class PriorityCompare { public: bool operator()(Task* t1,Task* t2) { return t1->priority_ > t2->priority_; } /* data */ }; int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { PriorityCompare pc; priority_queue ,PriorityCompare> tasks(pc); Task t1(1); Task t2(10); Task t3(3); Task t4(1); Task t5(8); Task t6(9); tasks.push(&t1); tasks.push(&t2); tasks.push(&t3); tasks.push(&t4); tasks.push(&t5); tasks.push(&t6); while(!tasks.empty()) { Task* task = tasks.top(); tasks.pop(); task->DoWork(); } return 0; }
DoWork: 2293456 priority: 1 DoWork: 2293444 priority: 1 DoWork: 2293448 priority: 3 DoWork: 2293440 priority: 8 DoWork: 2293436 priority: 9 DoWork: 2293452 priority: 10