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Use UMDH to identify memory leak problem


We sometimes got memory leak problem, and we need to find the leaked memory, Here is a usful tool from MS, UMDH, it is included in WinDBG install package.

  • It need the PDB files to analyse access the symbol table, then a human readable stack can be generated.
  • You need to generated two set of current used memory, and compare the two to have a result.
  • It compares the current used memory, so you can identify the still-in-use memory, That is the memory you stored somewhere, but they will actually never be used again, and should be released.
  • And of cause, it can identify the memory with out a ptr pointing to when comparing.

    You should let memory leak a little more to get a clear view of the result.

    Here is the steps to use UMDH:
    1. Install Windbg, you can get WinDBG from MS site:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/hh852365
    2. Open a Dos Prompt as Administrator and navigate to the installation folder of WinDbg
    3. Set Symbol Path as a System Variable

    set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH= SRV*C:\websymbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols; c:\xosymbol

    4. Download PDB file and copy to the “C:\xosymbol” which is set part of above environment variable “_NT_SYMBOL_PATH”
    5. Start collecting stack traces for user-mode allocations, run command:
    gflags /i  +ust

    6. Restart your process.
    7. Keep it running, wait until it become steady..
    8. Collect a baseline snapshot, run command:
    umdh -pn: -f:c:\1.log

    9. Wait until the memory usage of your process exceeds 1GB or more.
    10. Generate a new snapshot, run command:
    umdh -pn: -f:c:\2.log

    11. Compare the two snapshots and get the final report from UMDH
    umdh -d c:\1.log c:\2.log > c:\result12.log

    12. In the result, we can see the stack where the leaked memory is allocated, You got a direct hint to resolve the leak problem.

    And if you need an example, please go to page https://www.hyzblog.com/use-umdh-identify-memory-leak-problem/

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