// this kernel computes, per-block, the sum // of a block-sized portion of the input // using a block-wide reduction template__global__ void block_sum(const DType *input, DType *per_block_results, const size_t n) { extern __shared__ DType sdata[]; unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; // load input into __shared__ memory //一個線程負責把一個元素從全局內存載入到共享內存 DType x = 0; if(i < n) { x = input[i]; } sdata[threadIdx.x] = x; __syncthreads();//等待所有線程把自己負責的元素載入到共享內存 // contiguous range pattern//塊內進行合並操作,每次合並變為一半.注意threadIdx.x是塊內的偏移,上面算出的i是全局的偏移。 for(int offset = blockDim.x / 2; offset > 0; offset >>= 1) { if(threadIdx.x < offset)//控制只有某些線程才進行操作。 { // add a partial sum upstream to our own sdata[threadIdx.x] += sdata[threadIdx.x + offset]; } // wait until all threads in the block have // updated their partial sums __syncthreads(); } // thread 0 writes the final result//每個塊的線程0負責存放塊內求和的結果 if(threadIdx.x == 0) { per_block_results[blockIdx.x] = sdata[0]; } }
// move input to device memory//分配內存 double *d_input = 0; cudaMalloc((void**)&d_input, sizeof(double) * num_elements); cudaMemcpy(d_input, &h_input[0], sizeof(double) * num_elements, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); const size_t block_size = 512;//線程塊的大小。目前有些gpu的線程塊最大為512,有些為1024. const size_t num_blocks = (num_elements/block_size) + ((num_elements%block_size) ? 1 : 0); // allocate space to hold one partial sum per block, plus one additional // slot to store the total sum double *d_partial_sums_and_total = 0;//一個線程塊一個和,另外加一個元素,存放所有線程塊的和。 cudaMalloc((void**)&d_partial_sums_and_total, sizeof(double) * (num_blocks + 1)); // launch one kernel to compute, per-block, a partial sum//把每個線程塊的和求出來 block_sum<<>>(d_input, d_partial_sums_and_total, num_elements); // launch a single block to compute the sum of the partial sums //再次用一個線程塊把上一步的結果求和。 //注意這裡有個限制,上一步線程塊的數量,必須不大於一個線程塊線程的最大數量,因為這一步得把上一步的結果放在一個線程塊操作。 //即num_blocks不能大於線程塊的最大線程數量。 block_sum<<<1,num_blocks,num_blocks * sizeof(double)>>>(d_partial_sums_and_total, d_partial_sums_and_total + num_blocks, num_blocks); // copy the result back to the host double device_result = 0; cudaMemcpy(&device_result, d_partial_sums_and_total + num_blocks, sizeof(double), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); std::cout << "Device sum: " << device_result << std::endl; // deallocate device memory cudaFree(d_input); cudaFree(d_partial_sums_and_total);