You have two numbers represented by a linked list, where each node contains a single digit. The digits are stored in reverse order, such that the 1’s digit is at the head of the list. Write a function that adds the two numbers and returns the sum as a linked list.
Input: (3 -> 1 -> 5), (5 -> 9 -> 2)
Output: 8 -> 0 -> 8
輸入:(3 -> 1 -> 5)+(5 -> 9 -> 2)
輸出:8 -> 0 -> 8
/************************************************** 題目描述: 用單鏈表表示一個正整數,每個結點代表其中的一位數字, 逆序排列,個位位於表頭,最高位位於表尾, 將兩個數相加並返回結果,結果也由鏈表表示。比如: 輸入:(3 -> 1 -> 5)+(5 -> 9 -> 2) 輸出:8 -> 0 -> 8 ***************************************************/ #include#include typedef struct Node { int data; struct Node *pNext; }NODE,*PNODE; PNODE create_list(); void traverse_list(PNODE); bool is_empty(PNODE); int length_list(PNODE); void clear_list(PNODE); PNODE addList(PNODE,PNODE); void AddShortToLong(PNODE,PNODE); int main() { printf(Create the first list: ); PNODE pHead1 = create_list(); printf(List 1: ); traverse_list(pHead1); fflush(stdin); //刷新輸入緩沖區 printf(Create the second list: ); PNODE pHead2 = create_list(); printf(List 2: ); traverse_list(pHead2); PNODE pHead = addList(pHead1,pHead2); printf(After added,the new List: ); traverse_list(pHead); return 0; } /* 創建一個鏈表,並返回頭指針 */ PNODE create_list() { int val; PNODE pHead =(PNODE)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); PNODE pCurrent = pHead; pCurrent->pNext = NULL; if(NULL == pHead) { printf(pHead malloc failed!); exit(-1); } printf(Input first data(q to quit):); while(scanf(%d,&val)==1) { PNODE pNew = (PNODE)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); if(NULL == pNew) { printf(pNew malloc failed!); exit(-1); } pNew->data = val; pCurrent->pNext = pNew; pNew->pNext = NULL; pCurrent = pNew; printf(Input next data(q to quit):); } return pHead; } /* 遍歷鏈表 */ void traverse_list(PNODE pHead) { PNODE pCurrent = pHead->pNext; printf(now dataes in the list are: ); while(pCurrent != NULL) { printf(%d ,pCurrent->data); pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; } printf( ); return ; } /* 判斷鏈表是否為空 */ bool is_empty(PNODE pNode) { if(NULL == pNode->pNext) return true; else return false; } /* 求鏈表長度,即節點總數(不計入頭節點) */ int length_list(PNODE pNode) { int count = 0; PNODE pCurrent = pNode->pNext; while(pCurrent != NULL) { count++; pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; } return count; } /* 清空鏈表,即使鏈表只剩下頭節點(頭節點中沒有數據) */ void clear_list(PNODE pHead) { PNODE p = pHead->pNext; PNODE r = NULL; while(p != NULL) { r = p->pNext; free(p); p = r; } pHead->pNext = NULL; return ; } /* 兩個鏈表相加 */ PNODE addList(PNODE pHead1,PNODE pHead2) { if(!pHead1) return pHead2; if(!pHead2) return pHead1; int len1 = length_list(pHead1); int len2 = length_list(pHead2); if(len1 >= len2) { AddShortToLong(pHead1,pHead2); return pHead1; } else { AddShortToLong(pHead2,pHead1); return pHead2; } } /* 第一個鏈表的長度大於或等於第二個鏈表的長度, 將第二個鏈表加到第一個鏈表上 */ void AddShortToLong(PNODE pHeadLong,PNODE pHeadShort) { PNODE p1 = pHeadLong->pNext; PNODE p2 = pHeadShort->pNext; while(p1 && p2) { p1->data = p1->data + p2->data; if(p1->data >= 10) { p1->data -= 10; if(p1->pNext) { p1->pNext->data++; if(p1->pNext->data >= 10) //兩鏈表長度不同,最後一位又有進位 { p1->pNext->data -= 10; PNODE pNew = (PNODE)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); if(!pNew) { printf(malloc failed ); exit(-1); } pNew->pNext = NULL; pNew->data = 1; p1->pNext->pNext = pNew; } } else //兩鏈表長度相同,且組後一位有進位 { PNODE pNew = (PNODE)malloc(sizeof(NODE)); if(!pNew) { printf(malloc failed ); exit(-1); } pNew->pNext = NULL; pNew->data = 1; p1->pNext = pNew; } } p1 = p1->pNext; p2 = p2->pNext; } }