題目:You have a large text file containing words. Given any two words, find the shortest distance (in terms of number of words) between them in the file. If the operation will be repeated many times for the same file(but different pairs of words), can you
optimize your solution?
int shortestWordsDistance(vector&words, string &w1, string &w2) { int lastWord1 = -1, lastWord2 = -1; int minDistance = INT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) { if (words[i] == w1) { lastWord1 = i; if (lastWord2 != -1) minDistance = min(minDistance, lastWord1 - lastWord2); } if (words[i] == w2)//不加else是因為當w1==w2的時候,可以計算出為零 { lastWord2 = i; if (lastWord1 != -1) minDistance = min(minDistance, lastWord2 - lastWord1); } } return minDistance; }
那麼需要建立一個表,所用時間效率是:O(n);查找的時候所用時間內效率是O(m), m是兩個單詞出現在文中的次數。因為表不需要重復計算,所以效率可以優化很多。
struct MarkInt { int a; string str; MarkInt(int a1, string s1):a(a1), str(s1){} }; bool operator<(const MarkInt &m1, const MarkInt &m2) { return m1.a < m2.a; } class WordsDistacne { map> lookupTable; vector words; public: int shortestWordsDistanceRepeated(string &w1, string &w2) { if (!lookupTable.count(w1) || !lookupTable.count(w2)) return -1; vector vm; lookupTable[w1].push_back(MarkInt(INT_MAX,w1)); lookupTable[w2].push_back(MarkInt(INT_MAX,w2)); int n1 = lookupTable[w1].size(); int n2 = lookupTable[w2].size(); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < n1 && j < n2; ) { if (lookupTable[w1][i] < lookupTable[w2][j]) { vm.push_back(lookupTable[w1][i++]); } else vm.push_back(lookupTable[w2][j++]); } vm.pop_back(); lookupTable[w1].pop_back(); lookupTable[w2].pop_back(); int lastword1 = -1, lastword2 = -1; int minDistance = INT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < vm.size(); i++) { if (vm[i].str == w1) { lastword1 = vm[i].a; if (lastword2 >= 0) { minDistance = min(minDistance, lastword1 - lastword2); } } if(vm[i].str == w2) { lastword2 = vm[i].a; if (lastword1 >= 0) { minDistance = min(minDistance, lastword2 - lastword1); } } } return minDistance; } void setupTable() { for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) { lookupTable[words[i]].push_back(MarkInt(i, words[i])); } } WordsDistacne(vector s):words(s) { setupTable(); } }; int main() { string s[] = {"my", "you", "hi", "you", "hi","my", "go", "not", "yes", "you"}; int n = sizeof(s)/sizeof(string); vector vs(s, s+n); string s1 = "my"; string s2 = "not"; cout<