Word Search
Given a 2D board and a word, find if the word exists in the grid.
The word can be constructed from letters of sequentially adjacent cell, where "adjacent" cells are those horizontally or vertically neighboring. The same letter cell may not be used more than once.
For example,
Given board =
[ ["ABCE"], ["SFCS"], ["ADEE"] ]word =
-> returns true
-> returns true
-> returns false
class Solution { public: bool exist(vector> &board, string word) { if (board.empty() && word.empty()) return true; else if (board.empty()) return false; int row = board.size(), col = board[0].size(); vector > table(row, vector (col)); for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) { if(onePosTest(board,table, word, 0, i, j)) return true; } } return false; } bool onePosTest(vector > &board, vector > &table, string &word, int w_start, int i, int j) { //注意:判斷順序不能亂 //情況1:超界,返回 if (i>=board.size() || i <0 || j<0 || j>=board[0].size()) return false; //情況3:不相等,或者遍歷過了的點,重置table,返回false if (table[i][j] || board[i][j] != word[w_start]) return false; //情況2:相等且沒遍歷過的點,置table標志位真 table[i][j] = true; //情況4:找到,結束,返回真 if (w_start == word.size()-1) return true; //分支遞歸: if (onePosTest(board, table, word, w_start+1, i, j+1) || onePosTest(board, table, word, w_start+1, i+1, j) || onePosTest(board, table, word, w_start+1, i-1, j) || onePosTest(board, table, word, w_start+1, i, j-1)) { return true; } table[i][j] = false; return false; } };