Description Suppose you are reading byte streams from any device, representing IP addresses. Your task is to convert a 32 characters long sequence of '1s' and '0s' (bits) to a dotted decimal format. A dotted decimal format for an IP address is form by grouping 8 bits at a time and converting the binary representation to decimal representation. Any 8 bits is a valid part of an IP address. To convert binary numbers to decimal numbers remember that both are positional numerical systems, where the first 8 positions of the binary systems are: 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Input The input will have a number N (1<=N<=9) in its first line representing the number of streams to convert. N lines will follow. Output The output must have N lines with a doted decimal IP address. A dotted decimal IP address is formed by grouping 8 bit at the time and converting the binary representation to decimal representation. Sample Input 4 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000011100000001111111111111111 11001011100001001110010110000000 01010000000100000000000000000001 Sample Output 我擦,用int數組的話居然一直沒弄出答案,改用char很快就正確了,什麼原因? [cpp] #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <math.h> using namespace std; int main() { int n; char a[35]; cin >> n; getchar(); while(n--) { int i; gets(a); for(i = 0; i<32; i++) { if((i+1)%8 == 0) { int j,sum = 0; for(j = i-7; i-j>=0; j++) { if(a[j]!='0') sum = sum+pow(2.0,(i-j)); } cout << sum; if(i!=31) cout << "."; } } cout << endl; } return 0; }