#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Bulk
double length;
double width;
double height;
Bulk(double len = 1.0,double wid = 1.0,double hei = 1.0):length(len),width(wid),height(hei){}
void get_value();
double volume();
double surface_are();
void Bulk::get_value()
cout <<"please input the length width and height: " << endl;
cin >> length >> width >> height;
double Bulk::volume()
return length*width*height;
double Bulk::surface_are()
return 2*(length*width+width*height+height*length);
int main()
Bulk b[5]={Bulk(2.3,4.5,6.7),Bulk(1.5,3.4),Bulk(10.5)};
cout << "第一個長方柱的體積: " << b[0].volume() << '\t' << " 面積: " << b[0].surface_are()
<< endl
<< "第二個長方柱的體積: " << b[1].volume() << '\t' << " 面積: " << b[1].surface_are()
<< endl
<< "第三個長方柱的體積: " << b[2].volume() << '\t' << " 面積: " << b[2].surface_are()
<< endl
<< "第四個長方柱的體積: " << b[3].volume() << '\t' << " 面積: " << b[3].surface_are()
<< endl
<< "第五個長方柱的體積: " << b[4].volume() << '\t' << " 面積: " << b[4].surface_are()
<< endl;
return 0;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Bulk
double length;
double width;
double height;
Bulk(double len = 1.0,double wid = 1.0,double hei = 1.0):length(len),width(wid),height(hei){}
void get_value();
double volume();
double surface_are();
void Bulk::get_value()
cout <<"please input the length width and height: " << endl;
cin >> length >> width >> height;
double Bulk::volume()
return length*width*height;
double Bulk::surface_are()
return 2*(length*width+width*height+height*length);
int main()
Bulk b[5]={Bulk(2.3,4.5,6.7),Bulk(1.5,3.4),Bulk(10.5)};
cout << "第一個長方柱的體積: " << b[0].volume() << '\t' << " 面積: " << b[0].surface_are()
<< endl
<< "第二個長方柱的體積: " << b[1].volume() << '\t' << " 面積: " << b[1].surface_are()
<< endl
<< "第三個長方柱的體積: " << b[2].volume() << '\t' << " 面積: " << b[2].surface_are()
<< endl
<< "第四個長方柱的體積: " << b[3].volume() << '\t' << " 面積: " << b[3].surface_are()
<< endl
<< "第五個長方柱的體積: " << b[4].volume() << '\t' << " 面積: " << b[4].surface_are()
<< endl;
return 0;