Colored Sticks
Time Limit: 5000MS Memory Limit: 128000K
Total Submissions: 27134 Accepted: 7186
You are given a bunch of wooden sticks. Each endpoint of each stick is colored with some color. Is it possible to align the sticks in a straight line such that the colors of the endpoints that touch are of the same color?
Input is a sequence of lines, each line contains two words, separated by spaces, giving the colors of the endpoints of one stick. A word is a sequence of lowercase letters no longer than 10 characters. There is no more than 250000 sticks.
If the sticks can be aligned in the desired way, output a single line saying Possible, otherwise output Impossible.
Sample Input
blue red
red violet
cyan blue
blue magenta
magenta cyan
Sample Output
Huge input,scanf is recommended.
The UofA Local 2000.10.14
題意: 有很多個火彩 每頭都有顏色 相同的顏色可以和另外的火柴相接 問這些火柴能不能連接成一條線
思路: 很明顯這是一個歐拉通路問題 一筆畫畫完整個通路
#include<stdio.h> #include<string> #include<string.h> #include<map> #include<malloc.h> using namespace std; #define N 250000+10 char s1[100],s2[100]; int rank[N],fa[N],num[N],co=0; struct haha { int id; struct haha *next[26]; }*root; struct haha * creat() { int i; struct haha *p; p=(struct haha *)malloc(sizeof(struct haha)); p->id=-1; for(i=0;i<26;i++) p->next[i]=NULL; return p; }; int update(char *s) { int d,pos,i; struct haha *p; p=root;d=strlen(s); for(i=0;i<d;i++) { pos=s[i]-'a'; if(p->next[pos]==NULL) { p->next[pos]=creat(); p=p->next[pos]; } else { p=p->next[pos]; } } if(p->id==-1) p->id=co++; return p->id; } int find(int n) { return n==fa[n]?n:fa[n]=find(fa[n]); } void join(int a,int b) { if(rank[a]>rank[b]) { fa[b]=a; rank[a]+=rank[b]; } else { fa[a]=b; rank[b]+=rank[a]; } } int main() { int i,j,k,cnt=0,a,b,rem; for(i=0;i<N;i++) { rank[i]=1;fa[i]=i; } memset(num,0,sizeof(num)); root=creat(); while(scanf("%s %s",s1,s2)!=EOF) { a=update(s1); b=update(s2); num[a]++;num[b]++; a=find(a);b=find(b); if(a==b) continue; join(a,b); } cnt=0; int temp=find(0); for(i=0;i<N;i++) { if(num[i]%2==1) cnt++; if(cnt>2) {printf("Impossible\n");return 0;} if(num[i]!=0&&find(i)!=temp) {printf("Impossible\n");return 0;} } printf("Possible\n"); return 0; }