DNA Sequence
Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 10171 Accepted: 3824
It's well known that DNA Sequence is a sequence only contains A, C, T and G, and it's very useful to analyze a segment of DNA Sequence,For example, if a animal's DNA sequence contains segment ATC then it may mean that the animal may have a genetic disease. Until now scientists have found several those segments, the problem is how many kinds of DNA sequences of a species don't contain those segments.
Suppose that DNA sequences of a species is a sequence that consist of A, C, T and G,and the length of sequences is a given integer n.
First line contains two integer m (0 <= m <= 10), n (1 <= n <=2000000000). Here, m is the number of genetic disease segment, and n is the length of sequences.
Next m lines each line contain a DNA genetic disease segment, and length of these segments is not larger than 10.
An integer, the number of DNA sequences, mod 100000.
Sample Input
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Sample Output
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<cstring> #include<string> #include<queue> #include<algorithm> #include<map> #include<iomanip> #define INF 99999999 using namespace std; const int MAX=100+10;//最大節點數 const int mod=100000; __int64 array[MAX][MAX],sum[MAX][MAX];//進行矩陣乘法的初始矩陣和結果矩陣 int n,m,size;//size表示節點個數 char s[15]; int Map[MAX];//映射A,C,G,T = 0,1,2,3 struct TrieNode{ int id;//表示該節點的序號 bool mark;//標記是否是單詞 TrieNode *fail,*next[4];//失敗指針和下一個節點 }*root,Node[MAX]; TrieNode *New_TrieNode(){ memset(&Node[size],0,sizeof(TrieNode)); Node[size].id=size; return &Node[size++]; } void InsertNode(char *a){ TrieNode *p=root; while(*a){ if(!p->next[Map[*a]])p->next[Map[*a]]=New_TrieNode(); p=p->next[Map[*a]]; ++a; } p->mark=true; } void Build_AC(){//建立AC自動機並且構造初始矩陣array memset(array,0,sizeof array); TrieNode *p=root,*next; queue<TrieNode *>q; q.push(root); while(!q.empty()){ p=q.front(); q.pop(); for(int i=0;i<4;++i){ if(p->next[i]){ next=p->fail; while(next && !next->next[i])next=next->fail; p->next[i]->fail=next?next->next[i]:root; if(p->next[i]->fail->mark)p->next[i]->mark=true;//防止ACG,AC這種一個病毒串的前綴是另一個病毒串的情況 q.push(p->next[i]); }else p->next[i]=(p == root)?root:p->fail->next[i];//從這個點狀態可以遞推到失敗指針節點的下一個節點狀態 if(!p->next[i]->mark)++array[p->id][p->next[i]->id];//表示下一個狀態不是病毒串,則可以到達 } } } void MatrixMult(__int64 a[MAX][MAX],__int64 b[MAX][MAX]){ __int64 c[MAX][MAX]={0}; for(int i=0;i<size;++i){ for(int j=0;j<size;++j){ for(int k=0;k<size;++k){ c[i][j]+=a[i][k]*b[k][j]; } } } for(int i=0;i<size;++i){ for(int j=0;j<size;++j)a[i][j]=c[i][j]%mod; } } __int64 MatrixPow(int k){ for(int i=0;i<size;++i){ for(int j=0;j<size;++j)sum[i][j]=(i == j);//單位矩陣 } while(k){ if(k&1)MatrixMult(sum,array);//sum=sum*array; MatrixMult(array,array);//array=array*array; k>>=1; } __int64 ans=0; for(int i=0;i<size;++i)ans+=sum[0][i];//從0狀態到達其他狀態的所有總和 return ans%mod; } int main(){ Map['A']=0,Map['C']=1,Map['G']=2,Map['T']=3; while(scanf("%d%d",&m,&n)!=EOF){ size=0;//節點個數初始化為0 root=New_TrieNode();//創建根節點 for(int i=0;i<m;++i){ scanf("%s",s); InsertNode(s); } Build_AC(); printf("%I64d\n",MatrixPow(n)); } return 0; }