LeetCode(2)Add Two Numbers 題目: You are given two linked lists representing two
203 Remove Linked List Elements Remove all elements from a linked list
poj 2537 Tight words 概率dp 分析: 用計數dp思想:DP[I][J]=(DP[I-1][J-1]+DP[I-1][J]+DP[I-1
[Practical.Vim(2012.9)].Drew.Neil.Tip98 學習摘要 Delete Lines Containing a Pattern
FZU2136--取糖果 (線段樹+RMQ) Problem Description 有N個袋子放成一排,每個袋子裡有一定數量的糖果,lzs會隨機選擇連續的
POJ 3723 Conscription (最大生成樹) 最大生成樹。。跟最小生成樹原理一樣。只是排序的順序改變了而已。 代碼如下: #i
POJ 1351 Number of Locks (記憶化搜索 狀態壓縮) Number of Locks Time Limit:
HDU 4336 Card Collector(概率dp+狀壓) Card Collector Time Limit: 2000/1000 M
HDU 1978 How many ways (基礎記憶化搜索) How many ways Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS
uva 11922 Permutation Transforme/splay tree,11922permutation原題鏈接:http://acm.hust
OpenGL繪制簡單的時鐘(首發測試),opengl繪制編輯器 vs2012 1 #include <windows.h> 2 #includ