ZOJ 3633 Alice's present(線段樹) As a doll master, Alice owns a wide rang
ZOJ 3635 Cinema in Akiba(線段樹) Cinema in Akiba (CIA) is a small but very popula
acd - 1427 - Nice Sequence(線段樹) 題意:一個由n個數組成的序列(序列元素的范圍是[0, n]),求最長前綴 j ,使得在這個前
LeetCode[Array]: Plus One Given a non-negative number represented as an arra
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ZOJ 3647 Gao the Grid(居然是暴力) A n * m grid as follow: Count the number of
序列化Serializable和Externalizable的區別 大家都知道Serializable是一個mark interface,告訴JVM這個對象