【bzoj 1190】夢幻島寶珠(DP),bzoj1190這題是在01背包問題的基礎上,擴充了重量,需要用時間換空間。 思路: 1.仔細看題,注意到重量wi為a
【小白入門向】tarjan算法+codevs1332題解報告,tarjancodevs1332一、【前言】關於tarjan tarjan算法是由Robert T
160. Intersection of Two Linked Lists,intersectionlinkedWrite a program to find
142. Linked List Cycle II,linkedcycleGiven a linked list, return the node where
Search a 2D Matrix,search2dmatrixWrite an efficient algorithm that searches for
35. Search Insert Position,insertpositionGiven a sorted array and a target value
Bzoj 2038---[2009國家集訓隊]小Z的襪子(hose) 莫隊算法,bzoj2038---題目鏈接 http://www.lydsy.com/
121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock,sellstockSay you have an array for which th
[轉]函數聲明後面的const用法,const用法通常我們會看到一些函數聲明後面會跟著一個const,如下 void function() const{
63. Unique Paths II,63uniquepathsiiFollow up for Unique Paths: Now consider if s
關於Qt 報QDomDocument: No such file or directory錯誤解決辦法,qt5nosuchfile肯定是沒有找到相關的路徑,這時
【Tarjan】+【SPFA】【APIO2009】Atm,tarjanspfa一、算法介紹 tarjan——求解有向圖強連通分量。這個算
7. Reverse Integer,reverseintegerReverse digits of an integer. Example1: x
2. Add Two Numbers,addtwonumbersYou are given two linked lists representing two
55. Jump Game,55jumpgameGiven an array of non-negative integers, you are initial