leetcode - Longest Consecutive Sequence Given an unsorted array of integers,
Codeforces 385 D Bear and Floodlight 做題感悟:比賽的時候最後有點蛋疼了,處理點的坐標處理暈了,so~比賽完清醒
hdu 5057 Argestes and Sequence Argestes and Sequence Time Limit: 5000/2500 M
poj - 1170 - Shopping Offers(狀態壓縮dp) 題意:b(0 <= b <= 5)種物品,每種有個標號c(1 <= c <= 99
HDU 2665 Kth number(劃分樹) Problem Description Give you a sequence and ask you
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ACM POJ 1146 ID Codes 題目大意:輸入一個字符串,輸出它的下一個字典序排列。 字典序算法思想: 1.從右向左尋找字符串找出第一個a[i]
HYSBZ 1036 樹的統計Count(樹鏈剖分) HYSBZ 1036 樹的統計Count 題目鏈接 就樹鏈剖分,線段樹維護sum和maxx即可
leetcode - Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Given a binary tree, find the maximum