題意:給你 n 個坐標(x,y),m 個詢問(c,d) c==0,求出x==d有多少個,並刪除這些點; c==1,求出y==d有多少個,並刪除這些
Prime Ring Problem Problem Description A ring is compose of n circles a
Mahjong is a game of skill, strategy and calculation and involves a certain d
Mahjong is a game of skill, strategy and calculation and involves a certain d
這道題還挺好的,如果你的思路是每次生成一個全排列,然後累計到k次,那麼停下來吧,肯定超時了親。。 微軟今年的筆試題裡有一道類似的,我之前已經
Problem Description Acmers have been the Earth Protector against the evil ene
fopen /open區別 UNIX環境下的C 對二進制流文件的讀寫有兩套班子:1) fopen,fread,fwrite ; 2) open