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為了更容易(同時也更安全)地使用動態內存,C++11標准庫提供了兩種智能指針(smart pointer)類型來管理動態對象。智能指針的行為類似常規指針,重要的區別是它負責自動釋放所指的對象。C++11標准庫提供的這兩種智能指針的區別在於管理底層指針的方式:shared_ptr允許多個指針指向同一個對象;unique_ptr則"獨占"所指向的對象。C++11標准庫還定義了一個名為weak_ptr的輔助類,它是一種弱引用,指向shared_ptr所管理的對象。這三種類型都定義在memory頭文件中。智能指針是模板類而不是指針。類似vector,智能指針也是模板,當創建一個智能指針時,必須提供額外的信息即指針可以指向的類型。默認初始化的智能指針中保存著一個空指針。智能指針的使用方式與普通指針類似。解引用一個智能指針返回它指向的對象。如果在一個條件判斷中使用智能指針,效果就是檢測它是否為空。

std::shared_ptris a smart pointer that retains shared ownership of an object through a pointer. Several shared_ptr objects may own the same object. The object is destroyed and its memory deallocated when either of the following happens: (1)、the last remaining shared_ptr owning the object is destroyed; (2)、the last remaining shared_ptr owning the object is assigned another pointer via operator= or reset().

A shared_ptr can share ownership of an object while storing a pointer to another object. This feature can be used to point to member objects while owning the object they belong to. The stored pointer is the one accessed by get(), the dereference and the comparison operators. The managed pointer is the one passed to the deleter when use count reaches zero.

A shared_ptr may also own no objects, in which case it is called empty (an empty shared_ptr may have a non-null stored pointer if the aliasing constructor was used to create it).

All member functions (including copy constructor and copy assignment) can be called by multiple threads on different instances of shared_ptr without additional synchronization even if these instances are copies and share ownership of the same object. If multiple threads of execution access the same shared_ptr without synchronization and any of those accesses uses a non-const member function of shared_ptr then a data race will occur; the shared_ptr overloads of atomic functions can be used to prevent the data race.

The ownership of an object can only be shared with another shared_ptr by copy constructing or copy assigning its value to another shared_ptr. Constructing a new shared_ptr using the raw underlying pointer owned by another shared_ptr leads to undefined behavior.

The shared_ptr type is a smart pointer in the C++ standard library that is designed for scenarios in which more than one owner might have to manage the lifetime of the object in memory. After you initialize a shared_ptr you can copy it, pass it by value in function arguments, and assign it to other shared_ptr instances. All the instances point to the same object, and share access to one "control block" that increments and decrements the reference count whenever a new shared_ptr is added, goes out of scope, or is reset. When the reference count reaches zero, the control block deletes the memory resource and itself.

Whenever possible, use the make_shared () function to create a shared_ptr when the memory resource is created for the first time. make_shared is exception-safe. It uses the same call to allocate the memory for the control block and the resource, and thereby reduces the construction overhead. If you do not use make_shared, then you have to use an explicit new expression to create the object before you pass it to the shared_ptr constructor.

In order to hide the operator new and to provide an optimization while allocating the object to be shared, the variadic template function make_shared was created. It is a template function that performs three tasks:

(1)、Allocates contiguous memory for the object and for the reference counter. This makes the creation and destruction of objects faster because only one allocation and deallocation will be needed when creating the object to be shared and its reference counter.

(2)、Invokes to the constructor of the class being instantiated forwarding the arguments used when this function was invoked.

(3)、Returns a shared_ptr to the newly created object.

make_sharedis a variadic template function that receives as arguments, the arguments that the constructor of class T needs.


shared_ptr的類型轉換不能使用一般的static_cast,這種方式進行的轉換會導致轉換後的指針無法再被shared_ptr對象正確的管理。應該使用專門用於shared_ptr類型轉換的 static_pointer_cast() , const_pointer_cast() 和dynamic_pointer_cast()。




每一個shared_ptr的拷貝都指向相同的內存。在最後一個shared_ptr析構的時候, 內存才會被釋放。







可以認為每個shared_ptr都有一個關聯的計數器,通常稱其為引用計數(reference count)。無論何時拷貝一個shared_ptr,計數器都會遞增。例如,當用一個shared_ptr初始化另一個shared_ptr,或將它作為參數傳遞給一個函數以及作為函數的返回值時,它所關聯的計數器就會遞增。當給shared_ptr賦予一個新值或是shared_ptr被銷毀(例如一個局部的shared_ptr離開其作用域)時,計數器就會遞減。一旦一個shared_ptr的計數器變為0,它就會自動釋放自己所管理的對象。













(10)、不delete get()返回的指針;




下圖列出了shared_ptr支持的操作(來源於C++ Primer Fifth Edition 中文版):




#include "shared_ptr.hpp"
#include  // shared_ptr

// reference: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/shared_ptr
struct Base
	Base() { std::cout << "  Base::Base()\n"; }
	// Note: non-virtual destructor is OK here
	~Base() { std::cout << "  Base::~Base()\n"; }

struct Derived : public Base
	Derived() { std::cout << "  Derived::Derived()\n"; }
	~Derived() { std::cout << "  Derived::~Derived()\n"; }

void thr(std::shared_ptr p)
	std::shared_ptr lp = p; // thread-safe, even though the shared use_count is incremented
		static std::mutex io_mutex;
		std::lock_guard lk(io_mutex);
		std::cout << "local pointer in a thread:\n"
			<< "  lp.get() = " << lp.get()
			<< ", lp.use_count() = " << lp.use_count() << '\n';

int test_shared_ptr1()
	std::shared_ptr p = std::make_shared();

	std::cout << "Created a shared Derived (as a pointer to Base)\n"
		<< "  p.get() = " << p.get()
		<< ", p.use_count() = " << p.use_count() << '\n';
	std::thread t1(thr, p), t2(thr, p), t3(thr, p);
	p.reset(); // release ownership from main
	std::cout << "Shared ownership between 3 threads and released\n"
		<< "ownership from main:\n"
		<< "  p.get() = " << p.get()
		<< ", p.use_count() = " << p.use_count() << '\n';
	t1.join(); t2.join(); t3.join();
	std::cout << "All threads completed, the last one deleted Derived\n";

	return 0;

// reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/memory/shared_ptr/shared_ptr/
int test_shared_ptr2()
	struct C { int* data; };

	// shared_ptr constructor example
	std::shared_ptr p1;
	std::shared_ptr p2(nullptr);
	std::shared_ptr p3(new int);
	std::shared_ptr p4(new int, std::default_delete());
	std::shared_ptr p5(new int, [](int* p){delete p; }, std::allocator());
	std::shared_ptr p6(p5);
	std::shared_ptr p7(std::move(p6));
	std::shared_ptr p8(std::unique_ptr(new int));
	std::shared_ptr obj(new C);
	std::shared_ptr p9(obj, obj->data);

	std::cout << "use_count:\n";
	std::cout << "p1: " << p1.use_count() << '\n'; // 0
	std::cout << "p2: " << p2.use_count() << '\n'; // 0
	std::cout << "p3: " << p3.use_count() << '\n'; // 1
	std::cout << "p4: " << p4.use_count() << '\n'; // 1
	std::cout << "p5: " << p5.use_count() << '\n'; // 2
	std::cout << "p6: " << p6.use_count() << '\n'; // 0
	std::cout << "p7: " << p7.use_count() << '\n'; // 2
	std::cout << "p8: " << p8.use_count() << '\n'; // 1
	std::cout << "p9: " << p9.use_count() << '\n'; // 2

	return 0;

// reference: https://oopscenities.net/2013/10/06/smart-pointers-part-4-shared_ptr/
class Integer
	int n;
	Integer(int n) : n(n) { }
	~Integer() { printf("Deleting %d\n", n); }
	int get() const { return n; }

int test_shared_ptr3()
	auto a = std::make_shared(10);
	auto b = std::make_shared(20);
	auto c = a;
	auto d = std::make_shared(30);
	auto e = b;
	a = d;
	b = std::make_shared(40);
	auto f = c;
	b = f;

	printf("%d\n", a->get());
	printf("%d\n", b->get());
	printf("%d\n", c->get());
	printf("%d\n", d->get());
	printf("%d\n", e->get());
	printf("%d\n", f->get());

	return 0;

// reference: http://www.linux-magazin.de/Ausgaben/2013/04/C-11
struct MyInt{
	MyInt(int v) :val(v){
		std::cout << "  Hello: " << val << std::endl;
		std::cout << "  Good Bye: " << val << std::endl;
	int val;

int test_shared_ptr4()
	std::shared_ptr sharPtr(new MyInt(1998));
	std::cout << "    My value: " << sharPtr->val << std::endl;
	std::cout << "sharedPtr.use_count(): " << sharPtr.use_count() << std::endl;

		std::shared_ptr locSharPtr(sharPtr);
		std::cout << "locSharPtr.use_count(): " << locSharPtr.use_count() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "sharPtr.use_count(): " << sharPtr.use_count() << std::endl;

	std::shared_ptr globSharPtr = sharPtr;
	std::cout << "sharPtr.use_count(): " << sharPtr.use_count() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "sharPtr.use_count(): " << sharPtr.use_count() << std::endl;

	sharPtr = std::shared_ptr(new MyInt(2011));

	return 0;

// reference: http://www.linux-magazin.de/Ausgaben/2013/04/C-11
struct Deleter{
	void operator()(T *ptr){
		delete ptr;
	static int count;

int Deleter::count = 0;

typedef Deleter IntDeleter;
typedef Deleter DoubleDeleter;
typedef Deleter MyIntDeleter;

int test_shared_ptr5()
		std::shared_ptr sharedPtr1(new int(1998), IntDeleter());
		std::shared_ptr sharedPtr2(new int(2011), IntDeleter());
		std::shared_ptr sharedPtr3(new double(3.17), DoubleDeleter());
		std::shared_ptr sharedPtr4(new MyInt(2017), MyIntDeleter());

	std::cout << "Deleted " << IntDeleter().count << " int values." << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Deleted " << DoubleDeleter().count << " double value." << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Deleted " << MyIntDeleter().count << " MyInt value." << std::endl;

	return 0;
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