Visual C++ 32 位和 64 位編譯器可識別本文後面的表中的類型。
int (unsignedint)">int(unsignedint)
__int8 (unsigned__int8)">__int8(unsigned__int8)
__int16 (unsigned__int16)">__int16(unsigned__int16)
__int32 (unsigned__int32)">__int32(unsigned__int32)
__int64 (unsigned__int64)">__int64(unsigned__int64)
short (unsignedshort)">short(unsignedshort)
long (unsignedlong)">long(unsignedlong)
longlong (unsignedlonglong)">longlong(unsignedlonglong)
__), a data type is non-standard.">如果其名稱以兩個下劃線 (__) 開始,則數據類型是非標准的。
字節 其他名稱 值的范圍int
4 signed –2,147,483,648 到 2,147,483,647unsigned int
4 unsigned 0 到 4,294,967,295_int8
1 char –128 到 127unsigned _int8
1 unsigned char 0 到 255__int16
2 short、short int、signed short int –32,768 到 32,767unsigned __int16
2 unsigned short、unsigned short int 0 到 65,535__int32
4 signed、signed int、int –2,147,483,648 到 2,147,483,647unsigned __int32
4 unsigned、unsigned int 0 到 4,294,967,295__int64
8 long long、signed long long –9,223,372,036,854,775,808 到 9,223,372,036,854,775,807unsigned __int64
8 unsigned long long 0 到 18,446,744,073,709,551,615bool
1 無 false 或 truechar
1 無-128 到 127(默認)
/J">0 到 255(當使用/J編譯時)
signed char
1 無 –128 到 127unsigned char
1 無 0 到 255short
2 short int、signed short int –32,768 到 32,767unsigned short
2 unsigned short int 0 到 65,535long
4 long int、signed long int –2,147,483,648 到 2,147,483,647unsigned long
4 0 到 4,294,967,295long long
8 無(與 __int64 等效) –9,223,372,036,854,775,808 到 9,223,372,036,854,775,807unsigned long long
8 無(與無符號的 __int64 等效) 0 到 18,446,744,073,709,551,615enum
varies 無 用戶自己定義的類型,其中包含一組稱為枚舉器的命名的整型常數。浮動
4 無 3.4E +/- 38(7 位數)double
8 無 1.7E +/- 308(15 位數)long double
與double相同 無 與 double 相同wchar_t
2 __wchar_t 0 到 65,535__wchar_t designates either a wide-character type or multibyte-character type.">根據使用方式,__wchar_t的變量指定寬字符類型或多字節字符類型。L prefix before a character or string constant to designate the wide-character-type constant.">在字符或字符串常量前使用L前綴以指定寬字符類型常量。
signed and unsigned are modifiers that you can use with any integral type except bool.">signed和unsigned是可用於任何整型(bool除外)的修飾符。char, signed char, and unsigned char are three distinct types for the purposes of mechanisms like overloading and templates.">請注意,對於重載和模板等機制而言,char、signed char和unsigned char是三種不同的類型。
int and unsignedint types have a size of four bytes.">int和unsignedint類型具有四個字節的大小。int because the language standard allows this to be implementation-specific.">但是,由於語言標准允許可移植代碼特定於實現,因此該代碼不應依賴於int的大小。