A peak element is an element that is greater than its neighbors.
Given an input array where num[i] ≠ num[i+1], find a peak element and return its index.
The array may contain multiple peaks, in that case return the index to anyone of the peaks is fine.
You may imagine that num[-1] = num[n] = -∞.
For example, in array [1, 2, 3, 1], 3 is apeak element and your function should return the index number 2.
click to showspoilers.
Your solution should be in logarithmic complexity.
Special thanks to @ts for adding this problem and creating all testcases.
Array Binary Search
二分的區間是:0。。。。。。。。。media1,media2 和media1,media2。。。。。。。。n-1
若分為0。。。。。。。。。media 和media。。。。。。。。n-1
則media為peak element的情況就被忽略了
另另外:num.push_back(-2147483647-1);//不能直接push -2147483648 ,若這樣,自動識別-2147483648為無符號的,不能將-號應用於無符號類型
#pragma once #include#include using namespace std; //取大值 int max(int a, int b) { if (a > b) return a; return b; } int findIt(long long *list, int begain, int end) { if (end - begain + 1 <= 6)//小到這種程度,遍歷檢查,作為遞歸出口 { for (int i = begain; i <= end - 2; i++)//注意,是end-2 if (list[i] > list[i + 1]) continue; else if (list[i + 1] > list[i + 2]) return i;//注意,return的不是i+1,因為list中下標都比num中大1 else continue; return -1;//for循環結束,為找到,返回-1 } int media1 = (begain + end) / 2; int media2 = media1 + 1;//中間兩個元素的下標 int aheadmedia = (begain + media2) / 2;//前半段中間元素的下標 int behindmedia = (media1 + end) / 2;//後半段中間元素的下標 if (list[aheadmedia] > list[begain] && list[aheadmedia] > list[media2])//前半段一定有 return findIt(list, begain, media2); else if (list[behindmedia] > list[media1] && list[behindmedia] > list[end])//前半段沒有,後半段一定有 return findIt(list, media1, end); else//前後都不一定有,但一定有一個有,返回大的,因為沒有的話返回-1 return max(findIt(list, begain, media2), findIt(list, media1, end)); } int findPeakElement(const vector &num) { long long *list = new long long[num.size() + 2]; //list[0] = num[0] - 1;//模擬頭是負無窮 //注意,當num[0]為 - 2147483648時,上面寫法list[0]會變成2147483647,因為num是int型的,會溢出。應下面這樣寫。 list[0] = num[0]; list[0]--; //注意!!!!!!!若list為int減1後int可能溢出,所以list應為long long類型!!!!long在32位編譯器中也是4位,所以應用long long list[num.size() + 1] = num[num.size() - 1]; list[num.size() + 1]--;//模擬頭是負無窮 for (int i = 0; i < (int)num.size(); i++) list[i + 1] = num[i]; //至此,頭尾為正無窮的新數組構造完畢 return findIt(list, 0, num.size() + 1); } void main() { vector num; num.push_back(-2147483647-1);//不能直接push -2147483648 ,若這樣,自動識別-2147483648為無符號的,不能將-號應用於無符號類型 cout << "The peak element`s index in num is " << findPeakElement(num) << endl; system("pause"); }