The eight queens puzzle is the problem of putting eight chess queens on an 8 × 8 chessboard such that none of them is able to capture any other. The puzzle has been generalized to arbitrary n × n boards. Given n, you are to find a solution to the n queens puzzle.
The input contains multiple test cases. Each test case consists of a single integer n between 8 and 300 (inclusive). A zero indicates the end of input.
For each test case, output your solution on one line. The solution is a permutation of {1, 2, …, n}. The number in the ith place means the ith-column queen in placed in the row with that number.
Sample Input
8 0
Sample Output
5 3 1 6 8 2 4 7
一、當n mod 6 != 2 或 n mod 6 != 3時:
[2,4,6,8,...,n],[1,3,5,7,...,n-1] (n為偶數)
[2,4,6,8,...,n-1],[1,3,5,7,...,n ] (n為奇數)
二、當n mod 6 == 2 或 n mod 6 == 3時
[k,k+2,k+4,...,n],[2,4,...,k-2],[k+3,k+5,...,n-1],[1,3,5,...,k+1] (k為偶數,n為偶數)
[k,k+2,k+4,...,n-1],[2,4,...,k-2],[k+3,k+5,...,n-2],[1,3,5,...,k+1],[n] (k為偶數,n為奇數)
[k,k+2,k+4,...,n-1],[1,3,5,...,k-2],[k+3,...,n],[2,4,...,k+1] (k為奇數,n為偶數)
[k,k+2,k+4,...,n-2],[1,3,5,...,k-2],[k+3,...,n-1],[2,4,...,k+1],[n ] (k為奇數,n為奇數)
(上面有六條序列。一行一個序列,中括號是我額外加上的,方便大家辨認子序列,子序列與子序列之間是連續關系,無視中括號就可以了。第i個數為ai,表示在第i行ai列放一個皇後;... 省略的序列中,相鄰兩數以2遞增。)
參考代碼:#include#include using namespace std; int main(int i) { int n; //皇後數 while(cin>>n) { if(!n) break; if(n%6!=2 && n%6!=3) { if(n%2==0) //n為偶數 { for(i=2;i<=n;i+=2) cout<