1 SelectMode
enum SelectMode /// The mode argument to poll() and select(). { SELECT_READ = 1, SELECT_WRITE = 2, SELECT_ERROR = 4 };
2 SocketList
typedef std::vector<Socket> SocketList;
3 構造函數
未初始化的 socket:
Socket ();
Socket(const Socket& socket);
4 重載運算符
Socket& operator = (const Socket& socket);
bool operator == (const Socket& socket) const; bool operator != (const Socket& socket) const; bool operator < (const Socket& socket) const; bool operator <= (const Socket& socket) const; bool operator > (const Socket& socket) const; bool operator >= (const Socket& socket) const;
5 常用 socket 操作
返回該 socket 的可讀數據的字節數,該操作不引起 socket 阻塞:
int available() const;
關閉 socket:
void close();
bool poll(const Poco::Timespan& timeout, int mode) const; /// Determines the status of the socket, using a /// call to select(). /// /// The mode argument is constructed by combining the values /// of the SelectMode enumeration. /// /// Returns true if the next operation corresponding to /// mode will not block, false otherwise. SocketImpl* impl() const; /// Returns the SocketImpl for this socket.
檢查這個 socket 的連接是否是安全的(使用 SSL 或 TLS):
bool secure() const;
6 緩沖區
void setSendBufferSize(int size);
int getSendBufferSize() const;
接 收數據的緩沖區:
void setReceiveBufferSize(int size);
int getReceiveBufferSize() const;
7 超時時間
發送數據的超時時 間:
void setSendTimeout(const Poco::Timespan& timeout);
Poco::Timespan getSendTimeout() const;
接收數據的超 時時間:
void setReceiveTimeout(const Poco::Timespan& timeout);
Poco::Timespan getReceiveTimeout() const;
8 其他接口
void setOption(int level, int option, int value); void setOption(int level, int option, unsigned value); void setOption(int level, int option, unsigned char value); void setOption(int level, int option, const Poco::Timespan& value); void setOption(int level, int option, const IPAddress& value); void getOption(int level, int option, int& value) const; void getOption(int level, int option, unsigned& value) const; void getOption(int level, int option, unsigned char& value) const; void getOption(int level, int option, Poco::Timespan& value) const; void getOption(int level, int option, IPAddress& value) const; void setLinger(bool on, int seconds); void getLinger(bool& on, int& seconds) const; void setNoDelay(bool flag); bool getNoDelay() const; void setKeepAlive(bool flag); bool getKeepAlive() const; void setReuseAddress(bool flag); bool getReuseAddress() const; void setReusePort(bool flag); bool getReusePort() const; void setOOBInline(bool flag); bool getOOBInline() const; void setBlocking(bool flag); bool getBlocking() const;
獲取 socket 的 IP 和端口:
SocketAddress address() const;
獲取 peer socket 的 IP 地 址和端口:
SocketAddress peerAddress() const;
9 靜態函數
static int select(SocketList& readList, SocketList& writeList, SocketList& exceptList, const Poco::Timespan& timeout); /// Determines the status of one or more sockets, /// using a call to select(). /// /// ReadList contains the list of sockets which should be /// checked for readability. /// /// WriteList contains the list of sockets which should be /// checked for writeability. /// /// ExceptList contains a list of sockets which should be /// checked for a pending error. /// /// Returns the number of sockets ready. /// /// After return, /// * readList contains those sockets ready for reading, /// * writeList contains those sockets ready for writing, /// * exceptList contains those sockets with a pending error. /// /// If the total number of sockets passed in readList, writeList and /// exceptList is zero, select() will return immediately and the /// return value will be 0. /// /// If one of the sockets passed to select() is closed while /// select() runs, select will return immediately. However, /// the closed socket will not be included in any list. /// In this case, the return value may be greater than the sum /// of all sockets in all list.
檢查是否支持 IPv4 或 IPv6 :
static bool supportsIPv4();
static bool supportsIPv6 ();