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正確使用C++ Builder組件縮寫代碼



類似於這樣:edtInputBox, mmFile, btnCalc;



Standard Tab


mm TMainMenu

pm TPopupMenu

mmi TMainMenuItem

pmi TPopupMenuItem

lbl TLabel

edt TEdit

mem TMemo

btn TButton

cb TCheckBox

rb TRadioButton

lb TListBox

cb TComboBox

scb TScrollBar

gb TGroupBox

rg TRadioGroup

pnl TPanel

cl TCommandList


Additional Tab


bbtn TBitBtn

sb  TSpeedButton

me  TMaskEdit

sg  TStringGrid

dg  TDrawGrid

img TImage

shp TShape

bvl TBevel

sbx TScrollBox

clb TCheckListbox

spl TSplitter

stx TStaticText

cht TChart


Win32 Tab


tbc TTabControl

pgc TPageControl

il  TImageList

re  TRichEdit

tbr TTrackBar

prb TProgressBar

ud  TUpDown

hk  THotKey

ani TAnimate

dtp TDateTimePicker

tv  TTreeView

lv  TListView

hdr THeaderControl

stb TStatusBar

tlb TToolBar

clb TCoolBar


System Tab


tm  TTimer

pb  TPaintBox

mp  TMediaPlayer

olec TOleContainer

ddcc TDDEClientConv

ddci TDDEClientItem

ddsc TDDEServerConv

ddsi TDDEServerItem


Internet Tab


csk TClientSocket

ssk TServerSocket

wbd TWebDispatcher

pp  TPageProducer

tp  TQueryTableProducer

dstp TDataSetTableProducer

nmdt TNMDayTime

nec TNMEcho

nf  TNMFinger

nftp TNMFtp

nhttp TNMHttp

nMsg TNMMsg

nmsg TNMMSGServ


npop TNMPop3

nuup TNMUUProcessor


nst TNMStrm

nsts TNMStrmServ

ntm TNMTime

nudp TNMUdp

psk TPowerSock

ngs TNMGeneralServer

html THtml

url TNMUrl

sml TSimpleMail


Data Access Tab


ds  TDataSource

tbl TTable

qry TQuery

sp  TStoredProc

db  TDataBase

ssn TSession

bm  TBatchMove

usql TUpdateSQL


Data Controls


dbg TDBGrid

dbn TDBNavigator

dbt TDBText

dbe TDBEdit

dbm TDBMemo

dbi TDBImage

dblb TDBListBox

dbcb TDBComboBox

dbch TDBCheckBox

dbrg TDBRadioGroup

dbll TDBLookupListBox

dblc TDBLookupComboBox

dbre TDBRichEdit

dbcg TDBCtrlGrid

dbch TDBChart


Decision Cube Tab


dcb TDecisionCube

dcq TDecisionQuery

dcs TDecisionSource

dcp TDecisionPivot

dcg TDecisionGrid

dcgr TDecisionGraph


QReport Tab


qr  TQuickReport

qrsd TQRSubDetail

qrb TQRBand

qrcb TQRChildBand

qrg TQRGroup

qrl TQRLabel

qrt TQRText

qre TQRExpr

qrs TQRSysData

qrm TQRMemo

qrrt TQRRichText

qrdr TQRDBRichText

qrsh TQRShape

qri TQRImage

qrdi TQRDBMImage

qrcr TQRCompositeReport

qrp TQRPreview

qrch TQRChart


Dialogs Tab


The dialog box components are really forms encapsulated by a component. Therefore,they will follow a convention similar to the form naming convention. The type definition is already defined by the component name. The instance name will be the same as the type instance without the numeric prefix, which is assigned by Delphi. Examples are as follows:

類型        實例名稱

TOpenDialog    OpenDialog

TSaveDialog    SaveDialog

TOpenPictureDialog OpenPictureDialog

TSavePictureDialog SavePictureDialog

TFontDialog    FontDialog

TColorDialog    ColorDialog

TPrintDialog    PrintDialog

TPrintSetupDialog PrinterSetupDialog

TFindDialog    FindDialog

TReplaceDialog   ReplaceDialog


Win31 Tab


dbll TDBLookupList

dblc TDBLookupCombo

ts  TTabSet

ol  TOutline

tnb TTabbedNoteBook

nb  TNoteBook

hdr THeader

flb TFileListBox

dlb TDirectoryListBox

dcb TDriveComboBox

fcb TFilterComboBox


Samples Tab


gg  TGauge

cg  TColorGrid

spb TSpinButton

spe TSpinEdit

dol TDirectoryOutline

cal TCalendar

ibea TIBEventAlerter


ActiveX Tab


cfx TChartFX

vsp TVSSpell

f1b TF1Book

vtc TVTChart

grp TGraph


Midas Tab


prv TProvider

cds TClientDataSet

qcds TQueryClientDataSet

dcom TDCOMConnection

olee TOleEnterpriseConnection

sck TSocketConnection

rms TRemoteServer

mid TmidasConnection

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