C++ 中使用lambda代替 unique_ptr 的Deleter的方法。本站提示廣大學習愛好者:(C++ 中使用lambda代替 unique_ptr 的Deleter的方法)文章只能為提供參考,不一定能成為您想要的結果。以下是C++ 中使用lambda代替 unique_ptr 的Deleter的方法正文
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <memory> #include <string> #include <functional> using namespace std; class go { public: go() {} ~go() { cout << "go die.\n"; } }; auto d = [] ( go * gp ) { delete gp; cout << "deletor done.\n"; }; class go_de { public: void operator() ( go* g ) { d ( g ); } }; int main() { { unique_ptr < go, go_de > b{ new go{} };//1 } { //unique_ptr < go, decltype (d) > b{ new go{}}; complie error //2 unique_ptr < go, decltype (d) > a{ new go{}, d };//3 } { unique_ptr < go, function<void(go*) > > a{ new go{}, d };//4 //i.e. unique_ptr < go, function<void(go*) > > a{ new go{}, [](go*gp) {delete gp;cout << "deletor done.\n"; }}; } system ( "pause" ); return 0; }
一般的,需要給一個模板的Concept參數時,都會像代碼1的實現一樣傳入一個實現了該Concept的類型,例如go_de就實現了unique_ptr 的模板參數Deletor。
c++14 draft n4269
5.1.2 Lambda expressions
20 The closure type associated with a lambda-expression has no default constructor and a deleted copy assignment operator. It has a defaulted copy constructor and a defaulted move constructor (12.8). [ Note: These special member functions are implicitly defined as usual, and might therefore be defined as deleted. end note ]
意思就是 lambda 表達式沒有默認的構造函數,operator=也被置為deleted。只有一個默認的復制構造函數和move構造函數。很顯然,unique_ptr 的實現肯定是用到了Deletor Concept的默認構造函數的。所以編譯不通過。這個在
2) Constructs a std::unique_ptr which owns p, initializing the stored pointer with p and value-initializing the stored deleter. Requires that Deleter is DefaultConstructible and that construction does not throw an exception.2) Constructs a std::unique_ptr which owns p, initializing the stored pointer with p and value-initializing the stored deleter. Requires that Deleter is DefaultConstructible and that construction does not throw an exception.
設想unique_ptr( pointer p, d1 );構造函數不存在,那Lambda類型就沒法作為Concept傳入了。
想用Lambda表達式的類型作為Concept,使用類型推導關鍵字decltype Lambda的類型沒有default constructor、copy assignment operator. 寫C++庫的時候,如果用到模板和Concept技術,要考慮添加Concept對象做參數的類型的構造函數從而才能不限制Lambda表達式類型作為Concept傳入。畢竟,C++語言設計的原則是盡量不限制C++語言的用戶的編程方式。
以上所述是小編給大家介紹的C++ 中使用lambda代替 unique_ptr 的Deleter的方法,希望對大家有所幫助,如果大家有任何疑問請給我留言,小編會及時回復大家的。在此也非常感謝大家對網站的支持!