bind1st和bind2nd函數用於將一個二元算子(binary functor,bf)轉換成一元算子(unary functor,uf)。為了達到這個目的,它們需要兩個參數:要轉換的bf和一個值(v)。
可能這麼解釋以後大家還不是很清楚,那麼就說點白話吧。我們在做比較的時候所寫的表達式像 x > k ,x < k,這裡的k是一個參數表示你程序裡面的表達式要和k值去比較。上面這兩個表達式對應的應該是bind2nd ,簡單的理解就是把k作為比較表達式的第二個參數。如果使用bind1st則對應的表達式是 k > x,k < x,也就是把k作為比較表達式的第一個參數。大家可能會注意到這裡面沒有=的比較,先別著急,後面將會說道如何實現=的比較。先舉兩個例子看看 bind1st和bind2nd的用法。
int a[] = {1, 2, 100, 200};
std::vector< int> arr(a, a + 4);
// 移除所有小於100的元素
arr.erase( std::remove_if( arr.begin(), arr.end(),
std::bind2nd( std::less< int>(), 100)), arr.end());
這裡的比較表達式相當於arr.value < 100
// 移除所有大於100的元素
arr.erase( std::remove_if( arr.begin(), arr.end(),
std::bind1st( std::less< int>(), 100)), arr.end());
這裡的表達式相當於100 < arr.value
// 移除所有大於100的元素
arr.erase( std::remove_if( arr.begin(), arr.end(),
std::bind2nd( std::greater< int>(), 100)), arr.end());
前面說道=的比較,比如說x <= k怎麼實現呢,std又提供了一個好東西not1,我們可以說 !(x > k) 和 x <= k是等價的,那麼我們看看下面的表達式:
// 移除所有小於等於100的元素
arr.erase( std::remove_if( arr.begin(), arr.end(),
std::not1(std::bind2nd( std::greater< int>(), 100))), arr.end());
在C++ Primer對於bind函數的描述如下:
C++標准庫提供了兩種預定義的binder 適配器bind1st 和bind2nd 正如你所預料的bind1st 把值綁定到二元函數對象的第一個實參上bind2nd 把值綁定在第二個實參上
為了計數容器中所有小於或等於10 的元素的個數我們可以這樣向count_if()傳遞
count_if( vec.begin(), vec.end(), bind2nd( less_equal<int>(), 10 ));
bool print(int i, int j)
std::cout<< i << "---" << j << std::endl;
return i>j;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
(std::bind1st(print, 2))(1);
return 0;
1 Error error C2784: 'std::binder1st<_Fn2> std::bind1st(const _Fn2 &,const _Ty &)' : could not deduce template argument for 'overloaded function type' from 'overloaded function type'
---不能夠推斷出模板參數for 'overloaded function type' from 'overloaded function type' 。。。。
template<class _Fn2,
class _Ty> inline
binder1st<_Fn2> bind1st(const _Fn2& _Func, const _Ty& _Left)
typename _Fn2::first_argument_type _Val(_Left);
return (std::binder1st<_Fn2>(_Func, _Val));
typename _Fn2::first_argument_type _Val(_Left)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
(std::bind1st(std::ptr_fun(print), 2))(1);
return 0;
Standard C++ Library Reference
Helper template functions used to convert unary and binary function pointers, respectively, into unary and binary adaptable functions.
template<class Arg, class Result> pointer_to_unary_function<Arg, Result, Result (*)(Arg)> ptr_fun(Result (*_pfunc)(Arg));template<class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result> pointer_to_binary_function<Arg1, Arg2, Result, Result (*)(Arg1, Arg2)> ptr_fun(Result (*_pfunc)(Arg1, Arg2));Parameters
The unary or binary function pointer to be converted to an adaptable function.
bind1st bind2nd的使用 || remove_if() - 飛不會 - 飛不會的博客 Return Value
The first template function returns the unary function pointer_to_unary_function <Arg, Result>(*_pfunc).
The second template function returns binary function pointer_to_binary_function <Arg1, Arg2, Result>(*_pfunc).
bind1st bind2nd的使用 || remove_if() - 飛不會 - 飛不會的博客 Remarks
A function pointer is a function object and may be passed to any Standard Template Library algorithm that is expecting a function as a parameter, but it is not adaptable. To use it with an adaptor, such as binding a value to it or using it with a negator, it must be supplied with the nested types that make such an adaptation possible. The conversion of unary and binary function pointers by the ptr_fun helper function allows the function adaptors to work with unary and binary function pointers.
bind1st bind2nd的使用 || remove_if() - 飛不會 - 飛不會的博客 Example
// functional_ptr_fun.cpp// compile with: /EHsc#include <vector>#include <algorithm>#include <functional>#include <cstring>#include <iostream>int main( ){ using namespace std; vector <char*> v1; vector <char*>::iterator Iter1, RIter; v1.push_back ( "Open" ); v1.push_back ( "up" ); v1.push_back ( "the" ); v1.push_back ( "pearly" ); v1.push_back ( "gates" ); cout << "Original sequence contains: " ; for ( Iter1 = v1.begin( ) ; Iter1 != v1.end( ) ; Iter1++ ) cout << *Iter1 << " "; cout << endl; // To search the sequence for "pearly" // use a pointer_to_function conversion RIter = find_if( v1.begin( ), v1.end( ), not1 ( bind2nd (ptr_fun ( strcmp ), "pearly" ) ) ); if ( RIter != v1.end( ) ) { cout << "The search for 'pearly' was successful.\n"; cout << "The next character string is: " << *++RIter << "." << endl; }}bind1st bind2nd的使用 || remove_if() - 飛不會 - 飛不會的博客 Output
Original sequence contains: Open up the pearly gates The search for 'pearly' was successful.The next character string is: gates.bind1st bind2nd的使用 || remove_if() - 飛不會 - 飛不會的博客 Requirements
Header: <functional>
bind1st bind2nd的使用 || remove_if() - 飛不會 - 飛不會的博客 See Also
Standard Template Library
Other Resources
<functional> Members