研究文本比較算法有一段時間了。近日研讀了《A Linear Space Algorithm for Computing Maximal Common Subsequences》(D.S.Hirschberg著)。文章寫於1975年。很多其他的論文都會引用這篇論文,可見這篇論文的質量。同時,該文作者D.S.Hirschberg也寫了很多有關LCS的文章,也都是經典中的經典。
The problem of finding a longest common subsequence of two strings has been solved in quadratic time and space. For stings of length 1000 (assuming coefficients of 1 microsecond and 1 byte) the solution would require 106 microseconds (one second) and 106 bytes (1000K bytes). The former is easily accommodated, the latter is not so easily obtainable. If the strings were of length of 10000, the problem might not to be solvable in main memory for lack of space.
We present an algorithm which will solve this problem in quadratic time and in linear space. For Example, assuming coefficients of 2 microseconds and 10 bytes , for strings of length 1000 we would require 2 seconds and 10K bytes; for strings of length 10000 we would require a little over 3 minutes and 100K bytes.
String C=c1c2……cp is a subsequence of string A=a1a2……am if and only if there is a mapping F:{1,2,……,p}→{1,2,……,m} such that f(i)=k only if ci is ak and F is a monotone strictly increasing function(i.e. F(i)=u,F(j)=v,and i<j imply that u<v)
字符串C=c1c2……cp是字符串A=a1a2……am的子序列,指的是存在一個映射F:{1,2,……,p}→{1,2,……,m},當f(i)=k,則ci=ak,並且F是一個嚴格單調遞增函數(舉例說明:若F(i)=u,F(j)=v,當i<j 則u<v)
String C is a common subsequence of strings A and B if and only if C is a subsequence of A and C is a subsequence of B
The problem can be stated as follows : Given strings A=a1a2……am and B=b1b2……bn (over alphabet Σ), find a string C= c1c2……cp such that C is a common subsequence of A and B and p is maximized
We call C an example of a maximal common subsequence.
Notation. For string D=d1d2……dr , Dkt is dkdk+1……dt if k≤t; dkdk-1……dt if k≥1. When k>t , we shall write ~Dkt so as to make clear that we are referring to a “reverse substring” of D
標記。對於字符串D=d1d2……dr,Dkt表示為dkdk+1……dt (k≤t);dkdk-1……dt(k≥1),當k>t時,我們標記為~Dkt,稱為D的“反轉子串”
L(i,j) is the maximum length possible of any common subsequence of A1i and B1j
x||y is the concatenation of strings x and y
We present the algorithm described in [3], which takes quadratic time and space
Algorithm A
Algorithm A accepts as input strings A1m and B1n and produces as output the matrix L (where the element L(i,j) corresponds to our notation of maximum length possible of any common subsequence of A1i and B1j)
算法A接受輸入字符串A1m 和B1n,並且計算輸出矩陣L(矩陣元素L(i,j)如標記中所稱,表示為A1i和B1j的所有可能的公共子序列的長度中最大值。)
ALG A(m,n,A,B,L)
1. Initialization: L(i,0)←0 [i=0……m];
L(0,j)←0 [j=0……n];
2. for i←1 to m do
3. for j←1 to n do
if A(i)=B(j) then L(i,j)←L(i-1,j-1)+1
else L(i,j)←max{L(i,j-1),L(i-1,j)}
Proof of correctness of Algorithm A