/instance/org.eclipse.jdt.ui/useQuickDiffPrefPage=true /instance/org.eclipse.jdt.ui/content_assist_proposals_foreground=0,0,0 /instance/org.eclipse.egit.core/GitRepositoriesView.GitDirectories=/Users/yangxin/Downloads/kakaolink-android/.git\:/Users/yangxin/Documents/workspace_web/tfyj/.git\: /instance/org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.ui/fontPropagated=true /instance/org.eclipse.debug.core/org.eclipse.debug.core.USE_STEP_FILTERS=true /instance/org.eclipse.jdt.core/org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.assertIdentifier=error /instance/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/org.eclipse.jface.textfont=1|Monaco|14.0|0|COCOA|1|Monaco; @org.eclipse.jdt.ui=3.8.2.v20130107-165834 /instance/org.eclipse.cdt.ui/spelling_locale_initialized=true從Eclipse配置文件中可以看出,都是以xxxx=xxxxx,如最後一個配置項,key為/instance/org.eclipse.cdt.ui/spelling_locale_initialized,值為:true。在項目開發當中的也經常采用這種方式,筆者參考了Java的java.util.Properties類,設計了一個C的配置文件讀寫接口,供大家學習和使用。
// // Properties.h // 讀寫配置文件 // // Created by 楊信 on 14-4-24. // Copyright (c) 2014年 yangxin. All rights reserved. // #ifndef _______Properties_h #define _______Properties_h #ifdef _cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // 初始化環境,成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int init(const char *filepath,void **handle); // 根據KEY獲取值,找到返回0,如果未找到返回非0值 int getValue(void *handle, const char *key, char *value); // 修改key對應的屬性值,修改成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int setValue(void *handle, const char *key, const char *value); // 添加一個屬性,添加成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int add(void *handle, const char *key, const char *value); // 刪除一個屬性,刪除成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int del(void *handle, const char *key); // 獲取屬性文件中所有的key,獲取成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int getKeys(void *handle, char ***keys, int *keyscount); // 釋放所有key的內存空間,成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int free_keys(char ***keys,int *keyscount); // 獲取屬性文件中所有的值,成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int getValues(void *handle, char ***values, int *valuescount); // 釋放所有value的內存空間,成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int free_values(char ***values, int *valuescount); // 獲取屬性數量,成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int getCount(void *handle, int *count); // 釋放環境資源,成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int release(void **handle); #ifdef _cplusplus } #endif #endif
// // Properties.c // 讀寫配置文件 // // Created by 楊信 on 14-4-24. // Copyright (c) 2014年 yangxin. All rights reserved. // #include#include #include #include "Properties.h" #define KEY_SIZE 128 // key緩沖區大小 #define VALUE_SIZE 128 // value緩沖區大小 #define LINE_BUF_SIZE 256 // 讀取配置文件中每一行的緩沖區大小 typedef struct Properties { char *key; char *value; struct Properties *pNext; }Properties; typedef struct PROPS_HANDLE { Properties *pHead; // 屬性鏈表頭節點 char *filepath; // 屬性文件路徑 }PROPS_HANDLE; static int createPropsNode(Properties **props); // 創建一個節點 static int trimeSpace(const char *src,char *dest); // 去空格 static int saveConfig(const char *filepath,Properties *head); // 將修改或保存後的配置項保存到文件 // 初始化環境,成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int init(const char *filepath,void **handle) { int ret = 0; FILE *fp = NULL; Properties *pHead = NULL,*pCurrent = NULL, *pMalloc = NULL; PROPS_HANDLE *ph = NULL; char line[LINE_BUF_SIZE]; // 存放讀取每一行的緩沖區 char keybuff[KEY_SIZE] = { 0 }; // 存放key的緩沖區 char valuebuff[VALUE_SIZE] = { 0 }; // 存放value的緩沖區 char *pLine = NULL; // 每行緩沖區數據的指針 if(filepath == NULL || handle == NULL) { ret = -1; printf("fun init error:%d from (filepath == NULL || handler == NULL)\n",ret); return ret; } ph = (PROPS_HANDLE *)malloc(sizeof(PROPS_HANDLE)); if (ph == NULL) { ret = -2; printf("fun init malloc handle error:%d",ret); return ret; } memset(ph, 0, sizeof(PROPS_HANDLE)); // 打開文件 fp = fopen(filepath, "r"); if (!fp) { ret = -3; printf("fun init open file error:%d from %s\n",ret,filepath); return ret; } // 創建頭節點 ret = createPropsNode(&pHead); if (ret != 0) { fclose(fp); // 關閉文件 printf("fun init create head node error:%d\n",ret); return ret; } memset(pHead, 0, sizeof(Properties)); // 保存鏈表頭節點和文件路徑到handle中 ph->pHead = pHead; ph->filepath = (char *)malloc(strlen(filepath) + 1); strcpy(ph->filepath, filepath); pCurrent = pHead; // 讀取配置文件中的所有數據 while (!feof(fp)) { if(fgets(line, LINE_BUF_SIZE, fp) == NULL) { break; } // 找等號 if ((pLine = strstr(line, "=")) == NULL) { // 沒有等號,繼續讀取下一行 continue; } // 循環創建節點 ret = createPropsNode(&pMalloc); if (ret != 0) { fclose(fp); // 關閉文件 release((void **)&ph); // 創建節點失敗,釋放所有資源 printf("create new node error:%d\n",ret); return ret; } // 設置Key memcpy(keybuff, line, pLine-line); trimeSpace(keybuff, pMalloc->key); // 將keybuff去空格後放到pMallock.key中 // 設置Value pLine += 1; trimeSpace(pLine, valuebuff); strcpy(pMalloc->value, valuebuff); // 將新節點入鏈表 pMalloc->pNext = NULL; pCurrent->pNext = pMalloc; pCurrent = pMalloc; // 當前節點下移 // 重置key,value memset(keybuff, 0, KEY_SIZE); memset(valuebuff, 0, VALUE_SIZE); } // 設置環境句柄給調用者 *handle = ph; // 關閉文件 fclose(fp); return ret; } // 獲取屬性數量,成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int getCount(void *handle, int *count) { int ret = 0,cn = 0; PROPS_HANDLE *ph = NULL; Properties *pCurrent = NULL; if (handle == NULL || count == NULL) { ret = -1; printf("fun getCount error:%d from (handle == NULL || count == NULL)\n",ret); return ret; } ph = (PROPS_HANDLE *)handle; pCurrent = ph->pHead->pNext; while (pCurrent != NULL) { cn++; pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; } *count = cn; return ret; } // 根據KEY獲取值,找到返回0,如果未找到返回非0值 int getValue(void *handle, const char *key, char *value) { int ret = 0; PROPS_HANDLE *ph = NULL; Properties *pCurrent = NULL; if (handle == NULL || key == NULL || value == NULL) { ret = -1; printf("getValue error:%d from (handle == NULL || key == NULL || value == NULL)\n",ret); return ret; } ph = (PROPS_HANDLE *)handle; pCurrent = ph->pHead->pNext; while (pCurrent != NULL) { if (strcmp(pCurrent->key,key) == 0) { break; } pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; } if (pCurrent == NULL) { ret = -2; printf("fun getValue warning: not found the key:%s\n",key); return ret; } strcpy(value, pCurrent->value); return ret; } // 修改key對應的屬性值,修改成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int setValue(void *handle, const char *key, const char *value) { int ret = 0; PROPS_HANDLE *ph = NULL; Properties *pCurrent = NULL; if (handle == NULL || key == NULL || value == NULL) { ret = -1; printf("fun setValue error:%d from (handle == NULL || key == NULL || value == NULL)\n",ret); return ret; } // 獲得環境句柄 ph = (PROPS_HANDLE *)handle; // 從環境句柄中獲取頭節點 pCurrent = ph->pHead->pNext; while (pCurrent != NULL) { if (strcmp(pCurrent->key, key) == 0) { // 找到 break; } pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; } if (pCurrent == NULL) { // 未找到key ret = -2; printf("fun setValue warning: not found the key:%s\n",key); return ret; } // 修改key的value strcpy(pCurrent->value, value); if (strchr(value, '\n') == NULL) { // 加一個換行符 strcat(pCurrent->value, "\n"); } // 將修改的配置項寫入到文件 ret = saveConfig(ph->filepath, ph->pHead); return ret; } // 添加一個屬性,添加成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int add(void *handle, const char *key, const char *value) { int ret = 0; PROPS_HANDLE *ph = NULL; Properties *pCurrent = NULL; if (handle == NULL || key == NULL || value == NULL) { ret = -1; printf("fun add error:%d from (handle == NULL || key == NULL || value == NULL)\n",ret); return ret; } ph = (PROPS_HANDLE *)handle; //-----------如果key存在鏈表中,則直接修改,否則添加到鏈表中-----------// pCurrent = ph->pHead; while (pCurrent->pNext != NULL) { if (strcmp(pCurrent->pNext->key,key) == 0) { break; } pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; } if (pCurrent->pNext != NULL) { return setValue(handle, key, value); } //-----------key不存在,創建一個新的配置項,添加到鏈表中-----------// Properties *pMalloc; ret = createPropsNode(&pMalloc); if (ret != 0) { printf("fun add error:%d from malloc new node.",ret); return ret; } strcpy(pMalloc->key, key); if (strchr(pCurrent->value,'\n') == NULL) { strcat(pCurrent->value, "\n"); } strcpy(pMalloc->value, value); if (strchr(value, '\n') == NULL) { // 加一個換行符 strcat(pMalloc->value, "\n"); } pCurrent->pNext = pMalloc; // 新配置項入鏈表 // 將新配置項寫入到文件 ret = saveConfig(ph->filepath, ph->pHead); return ret; } // 刪除一個屬性,刪除成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int del(void *handle, const char *key) { int ret = 0; PROPS_HANDLE *ph = NULL; Properties *pCurrent = NULL, *pPrev = NULL; if (handle == NULL || key == NULL) { ret = -1; printf("fun del error:%d from (handle == NULL || key == NULL)\n",ret); return ret; } ph = (PROPS_HANDLE *)handle; pPrev = ph->pHead; pCurrent = ph->pHead->pNext; while (pCurrent != NULL) { if (strcmp(pCurrent->key, key) == 0) { break; } pPrev = pCurrent; // 上一個節點下移 pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; // 當前節點下移 } if (pCurrent == NULL) { // 沒有找到 ret = -2; printf("fun del warning:not found the key:%s\n",key); return ret; } pPrev->pNext = pCurrent->pNext; // 從鏈表中刪除 free(pCurrent); // 釋放內存 pCurrent = NULL; // 保存到文件 ret = saveConfig(ph->filepath, ph->pHead); return ret; } // 獲取屬性文件中所有的key,獲取成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int getKeys(void *handle, char ***keys, int *keyscount) { int ret = 0, count = 0, index = 0; PROPS_HANDLE *ph = NULL; Properties *pCurrent = NULL; char **pKeys = NULL; if (handle == NULL || keys == NULL || keyscount == NULL) { ret = -1; printf("fun getKeys error:%d from (handle == NULL || keys == NULL || keyscount == NULL) \n",ret); return ret; } // 獲取配置項數量 ret = getCount(handle, &count); if (ret != 0) { printf("fun getKeys error:%d from getCount \n",ret); return ret; } ph = (PROPS_HANDLE *)handle; pCurrent = ph->pHead->pNext; // 根據鏈表長度,申請內存空間 pKeys = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * count); if (pKeys == NULL) { ret = -2; printf("fun getKeys error:%d from malloc keys\n",ret); return ret; } pCurrent = ph->pHead->pNext; while (pCurrent != NULL) { pKeys[index] = pCurrent->key; pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; index++; } *keys = pKeys; *keyscount = count; return ret; } // 釋放所有key的內存空間,成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int free_keys(char ***keys,int *keyscount) { int ret = 0; if (keys == NULL || keyscount == NULL) { ret = -1; printf("fun free_keys error:%d from (keys == NULL || keyscount == NULL) \n",ret); return ret; } free(*keys); *keys = NULL; *keyscount = 0; return ret; } // 獲取屬性文件中所有的值,成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int getValues(void *handle, char ***values, int *valuescount) { int ret = 0, count = 0, index = 0; PROPS_HANDLE *ph = NULL; Properties *pCurrent = NULL; char **pValues = NULL; if (handle == NULL || values == NULL || valuescount == NULL) { ret = -1; printf("fun getValues error:%d from (handle == NULL || values == NULL || valuescount == NULL)\n",ret); return ret; } // 獲取配置項數量 ret = getCount(handle, &count); if (ret != 0) { printf("fun getValues error:%d from getCount \n",ret); return ret; } // 申請內存空間,存放所有的value pValues = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * count); if (pValues == NULL) { ret = -2; printf("fun getValues error:%d from malloc values\n",ret); return ret; } ph = (PROPS_HANDLE *)handle; pCurrent = ph->pHead->pNext; while (pCurrent != NULL) { pValues[index] = pCurrent->value; pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; index++; } *values = pValues; *valuescount = count; return ret; } // 釋放所有value的內存空間,成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int free_values(char ***values, int *valuescount) { int ret = 0; if (values == NULL || valuescount == NULL) { ret = -1; printf("fun free_values error:%d from (values == NULL || valuescount == NULL) \n",ret); return ret; } free(*values); *values = NULL; *valuescount = 0; return ret; } // 釋放環境資源,成功返回0,失敗返回非0值 int release(void **handle) { int ret = 0; PROPS_HANDLE *ph = NULL; if(handle == NULL) { ret = -1; printf("release error:%d from (handler == NULL)\n",ret); return ret; } ph = (PROPS_HANDLE *)*handle; // 釋放鏈表內存資源 Properties *pCurr = ph->pHead; Properties *pTemp = NULL; while (pCurr != NULL) { if (pCurr->key != NULL) { free(pCurr->key); pCurr->key = NULL; } if (pCurr->value != NULL) { free(pCurr->value); pCurr->value = NULL; } pTemp = pCurr->pNext; free(pCurr); pCurr = pTemp; } // 釋放存放配置文件路徑分配的內存空間 if(ph->filepath != NULL) { free(ph->filepath); ph->filepath = NULL; } // 釋放環境句柄本身 free(ph); *handle = NULL; // 避免野指針 return ret; } // 去空格 static int trimeSpace(const char *src,char *dest) { int ret = 0; if (src == NULL || dest == NULL) { ret = -1; printf("trimeSpace error:%d from (src == NULL || dest == NULL)\n",ret); return ret; } const char *psrc = src; unsigned long i = 0,j = strlen(psrc) - 1,len; while (psrc[i] == ' ') { i++; } while (psrc[j] == ' ') { j--; } len = j - i + 1; memcpy(dest,psrc+i,len); *(dest+len) = '\0'; return ret; } // 創建一個節點 static int createPropsNode(Properties **props) { int ret = 0; Properties *p = NULL; if (props == NULL) { ret = -100; printf("createProps error:%d from (props == NULL)\n",ret); return ret; } p = (Properties *)malloc(sizeof(Properties)); if (p == NULL) { ret = -200; printf("createProps malloc %ld bytes error:%d\n",sizeof(Properties),ret); return ret; } p->key = (char *)malloc(KEY_SIZE); p->value = (char *)malloc(VALUE_SIZE); p->pNext = NULL; *props = p; return ret; } // 保存到文件 static int saveConfig(const char *filepath,Properties *head) { int ret = 0,writeLen = 0; FILE *fp = NULL; Properties *pCurrent = NULL; if (filepath == NULL || head == NULL) { ret = -100; printf("fun saveConfig error:%d from (filepath == NULL || head == NULL)\n",ret); return ret; } fp = fopen(filepath,"w"); if (fp == NULL) { ret = -200; printf("fun saveConfig:open file error:%d from %s\n",ret,filepath); return ret; } pCurrent = head->pNext; while (pCurrent != NULL) { writeLen = fprintf(fp, "%s=%s",pCurrent->key,pCurrent->value); // 返回寫入的字節數,出現錯誤返回一個負值 if (writeLen < 0) { //TODO 如果寫入失敗,如何將寫入的數據回退??? ret = -300; printf("fun saveConfig err:%d from (%s=%s)\n",ret,pCurrent->key,pCurrent->value); break; } pCurrent = pCurrent->pNext; } fclose(fp); // 關閉文件 return ret; }
// // main.c // 讀寫配置文件 // // Created by 楊信 on 14-4-24. // Copyright (c) 2014年 yangxin. All rights reserved. // #include#include #include #include "Properties.h" int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { int ret; void *handle; const char *filepath = "/Users/yangxin/Desktop/props.txt"; // 初始化 ret = init(filepath, &handle); if (ret != 0) { printf("env init error:%d\n",ret); return 0; } char valuebuf[128]; // 測試獲取配置項 ret = getValue(handle, "host", valuebuf); if (ret == 0) { printf("value=%s\n",valuebuf); } else { printf("獲取值host的值失敗\n"); } // 測試修改配置項 ret = setValue(handle, "version", "1.2.3"); if (ret == 0) { printf("修改成功!\n"); } else{ printf("修改失敗\n"); } // 測試添加配置項 ret = add(handle, "pool_connection_countxx", "2000"); if (ret == 0) { printf("添加成功!\n"); } else{ printf("添加失敗\n"); } // 測試刪除配置項 ret = del(handle, "connectionMax"); if (ret == 0) { printf("刪除成功!\n"); } else{ printf("刪除失敗\n"); } // 測試獲取所有配置項的key char **keys = NULL; int keyscount; ret = getKeys(handle, &keys, &keyscount); if (ret == 0) { printf("一共有%d個Key\n",keyscount); for (int i =0; i
測試配置文件:username=root password=root123456 host= port=9090 connectionMax=200 version=1.0測試結果:
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