2 大多數C語言實現在函數調用時都會帶來重大的系統開銷。因此,我們也許希望有這樣一種程序塊,它看上去像一個函數,但卻沒有函數調用的開銷。舉例來說getchar,putchar 經常被實現為宏,以避免在每次執行輸入或輸出一個字符這樣簡單的操作時,都要調用相應的函數而造成系統效率的下降。
#include#define ABS(x) x>0?x:-x #define ABS1(x) (x)>0?(x):-(x) #define ABS2(x) ((x)>0?(x):-(x)) int main(void) { int a=1; int b=4; printf("The value =%d \n",ABS(a-b)); printf("The value =%d \n",ABS1(a-b)); int c =4; int d=1; printf("The value =%d \n",ABS1(c-d)-1); printf("The value =%d \n",ABS2(c-d)-1); return 0; } 結果: The value =-5 The value =3 The value =3 The value =2
#include#define PSQR(x) printf("The square of "#x" is %d \n",((x)*(x))) int main(void) { int y =5; PSQR(y); PSQR(2+4); return 0; } 結果: The square of y is 25 The square of 2+4 is 36
#include#include #define PR(X,...) printf("Message " #X":"__VA_ARGS__) int main(void) { double x =48; double y; y=sqrt(x); PR(1,"X=%g\n",x); PR(2,"X=%.2f,y=%.4f\n",x,y); return 0; } 編譯時: Gcc variadic.c –lm 結果: Message 1:X=48 Message 2:X=48.00,y=6.9282 注意:省略號只能代替最後的參數。
#includevoid why_me(); int main(void) { printf("The file is %s.\n",__FILE__); printf("The date is %s.\n",__DATE__); printf("The time is %s.\n",__TIME__); //printf("The version is %ld.\n",__STDC_VERSION__); printf("This is line %d.\n",__LINE__); printf("This function is %s\n",__func__); why_me(); return 0; } void why_me() { printf("This function is %s.\n",__func__); printf("This is line %d.\n",__LINE__); } 結果: The file is predef.c. The date is Dec 13 2013. The time is 22:52:07. This is line 10. This function is main This function is why_me. This is line 18.