C語言中沒有提供字符串替換函數,網上能找到的類似函數也只是能替換一個,不能替換全部,工作中卻常常要用到這個功能,故實現一個函數。該函數所使用到的相關函數均是自己實現,沒有調用庫函數。 相關代碼如下: [html] /******************************************************************** * Function: my_strstr() * Description: 在一個字符串中查找一個子串; * Calls: 無; * Called By: 無 * Input: ps: 源; pd:子串 * Output: 無; * Return : 0:源字符串中沒有子串; 1:源字符串中有子串; * Author: ChenZhiFa * Others: 無; * date of completion: *********************************************************************/ char * my_strstr(char * ps,char *pd) { char *pt = pd; int c = 0; while(*ps != '\0') { if(*ps == *pd) { while(*ps == *pd && *pd!='\0') { ps++; pd++; c++; } } else { ps++; } if(*pd == '\0') { //sum++; return (ps - c); } c = 0; pd = pt; } return 0; } /******************************************************************** * Function: memcpy() * Description: 復制一個內存區域到另一個區域; * Calls: 無; * Called By: 無 * Input: src: 源; count: 復制字節數. * Output: dest: 復制目的地; * Return : dest; * Author: ChenZhiFa * Others: 無; * date of completion: *********************************************************************/ void * memcpy(void * dest,const void *src,size_t count) { char *tmp = (char *) dest, *s = (char *) src; while (count--) *tmp++ = *s++; return dest; } /******************************************************************** * Function: str_replace() * Description: 在一個字符串中查找一個子串,並且把所有符合的子串用 另一個替換字符串替換。 * Calls: memcpy(); * Called By: 無 * Input: p_source:要查找的母字符串; p_seach要查找的子字符串; p_repstr:替換的字符串; * Output: p_result:存放結果; * Return : 返回替換成功的子串數量; * Author: ChenZhiFa * Others: p_result要足夠大的空間存放結果,所以輸入參數都要以\0結束; * date of completion: *********************************************************************/ int str_replace(char *p_result,char* p_source,char* p_seach,char *p_repstr) { int c = 0; int repstr_leng = 0; int searchstr_leng = 0; char *p1; char *presult = p_result; char *psource = p_source; char *prep = p_repstr; char *pseach = p_seach; int nLen = 0; repstr_leng = strlen(prep); searchstr_leng = strlen(pseach); do{ p1 = my_strstr(psource,p_seach); if (p1 == 0) { strcpy(presult,psource); return c; } c++; //匹配子串計數加1; printf("結果:%s\r\n",p_result); printf("源字符:%s\r\n",p_source); // 拷貝上一個替換點和下一個替換點中間的字符串 nLen = p1 - psource; memcpy(presult, psource, nLen); // 拷貝需要替換的字符串 memcpy(presult + nLen,p_repstr,repstr_leng); psource = p1 + searchstr_leng; presult = presult + nLen + repstr_leng; }while(p1); return c; } 測試代碼如下: [cpp] #define MAX 200 int main(void) { int i = 0; char s[MAX] ={0}; //存放源字串 char s1[MAX]={0}; //存放子字串 char s2[MAX]={0}; //存放替換字串 char result_a[2000] = {0};//存放替換結果; char *p,*ptm,*pr; puts("Please input the string for s:"); scanf("%s",s); puts("Please input the string for s1:"); scanf("%s",s1); puts("Please input the string for s2:"); scanf("%s",s2); ptm = s; pr = result_a; i = str_replace(pr,ptm,s1,s2); printf("替換%d個子字符串;\r\n",i); printf("替換後結果:%s\r\n",result_a); system("pause"); } 運行結果如果: [cpp] Please input the string for s: 123123123123 Please input the string for s1: 23 Please input the string for s2: abcdefg 結果: www.2cto.com 源字符:123123123123 結果:1abcdefg 源字符:123123123123 結果:1abcdefg1abcdefg 源字符:123123123123 結果:1abcdefg1abcdefg1abcdefg 源字符:123123123123 替換4個子字符串; 替換後結果:1abcdefg1abcdefg1abcdefg1abcdefg 請按任意鍵繼續. . .