struct ListNode
ElementType Element;
Position Next;
typedef struct ListNode *Position;
typedef Position List;
struct HashTbl
int TableSize;//哈希表大小
List *TheLists;//指針數組
typedef int ElementType;
typedef unsigned int Index;
struct ListNode;
typedef struct ListNode *Position;
struct HashTbl;
typedef struct HashTbl *HashTable;
HashTable InitializeTable( int TableSize );
void DestroyTable( HashTable H );
Position Find( ElementType Key, HashTable H );
void Insert( ElementType Key, HashTable H );
ElementType Retrieve( Position P );
/* Routines such as Delete are MakeEmpty are omitted */
#include "../lib/fatal.h"
#include "hashsep.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MinTableSize 10
struct ListNode
ElementType Element;
Position Next;
typedef Position List;
/* List *TheList will be an array of lists, allocated later */
/* The lists use headers (for simplicity), */
/* though this wastes space */
struct HashTbl
int TableSize;
List *TheLists;
/* Return next prime; assume N >= 10 */
static int NextPrime( int N )
int i;
if( N % 2 == 0 )
for( ; ; N += 2 )
for( i = 3; i * i <= N; i += 2 )
if( N % i == 0 )
goto ContOuter; /* Sorry about this! */
return N;
ContOuter: ;
/* Hash function for ints */
Index Hash( ElementType Key, int TableSize )
return Key % TableSize;
HashTable InitializeTable( int TableSize )
HashTable H;
int i;
if( TableSize < MinTableSize )
Error( "Table size too small" );
return NULL;
/* Allocate table */
H = malloc( sizeof( struct HashTbl ) );
if( H == NULL )
FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );
H->TableSize = NextPrime( TableSize );
/* Allocate array of lists */
H->TheLists = malloc( sizeof( List ) * H->TableSize );
if( H->TheLists == NULL )
FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );
/* Allocate list headers */
for( i = 0; i < H->TableSize; i++ )
H->TheLists[ i ] = malloc( sizeof( struct ListNode ) );
if( H->TheLists[ i ] == NULL )
FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );
H->TheLists[ i ]->Next = NULL;
return H;
Position Find( ElementType Key, HashTable H )
Position P;
List L;
L = H->TheLists[ Hash( Key, H->TableSize ) ];
P = L->Next;
while( P != NULL && P->Element != Key )
/* Probably need strcmp!! */
P = P->Next;
return P;
void Insert( ElementType Key, HashTable H )
Position Pos, NewCell;
List L;
Pos = Find( Key, H );
if( Pos == NULL ) /* Key is not found */
NewCell = malloc( sizeof( struct ListNode ) );
if( NewCell == NULL )
FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );
L = H->TheLists[ Hash( Key, H->TableSize ) ];
NewCell->Next = L->Next;
NewCell->Element = Key; /* Probably need strcpy! */
L->Next = NewCell;
ElementType Retrieve( Position P )
return P->Element;
void DestroyTable( HashTable H )
int i;
for( i = 0; i < H->TableSize; i++ )
Position P = H->TheLists[ i ];
Position Tmp;
while( P != NULL )
Tmp = P->Next;
free( P );
P = Tmp;
free( H->TheLists );
free( H );
enum KindOfEntry { Legitimate, Empty, Deleted };
struct HashEntry
ElementType Element;
enum KindOfEntry Info;
typedef struct HashEntry Cell;
struct HashTbl
int TableSize;//哈希表大小
Cell *TheCells;
typedef int ElementType;
typedef unsigned int Index;
typedef Index Position;
struct HashTbl;
typedef struct HashTbl *HashTable;
HashTable InitializeTable( int TableSize );
void DestroyTable( HashTable H );
Position Find( ElementType Key, HashTable H );
void Insert( ElementType Key, HashTable H );
ElementType Retrieve( Position P, HashTable H );
HashTable Rehash( HashTable H );
/* Routines such as Delete are MakeEmpty are omitted */
2.3 實現
#include "../lib/fatal.h"
#include "hashquad.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MinTableSize 10
enum KindOfEntry { Legitimate, Empty, Deleted };
struct HashEntry
ElementType Element;
enum KindOfEntry Info;
typedef struct HashEntry Cell;
/* Cell *TheCells will be an array of */
/* HashEntry cells, allocated later */
struct HashTbl
int TableSize;
Cell *TheCells;
/* Return next prime; assume N >= 10 */
static int NextPrime( int N )
int i;
if( N % 2 == 0 )
for( ; ; N += 2 )
for( i = 3; i * i <= N; i += 2 )
if( N % i == 0 )
goto ContOuter; /* Sorry about this! */
return N;
ContOuter: ;
/* Hash function for ints */
Index Hash( ElementType Key, int TableSize )
return Key % TableSize;
HashTable InitializeTable( int TableSize )
HashTable H;
int i;
if( TableSize < MinTableSize )
Error( "Table size too small" );
return NULL;
/* Allocate table */
H = malloc( sizeof( struct HashTbl ) );
if( H == NULL )
FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );
H->TableSize = NextPrime( TableSize );
/* Allocate array of Cells */
H->TheCells = malloc( sizeof( Cell ) * H->TableSize );
if( H->TheCells == NULL )
FatalError( "Out of space!!!" );
for( i = 0; i < H->TableSize; i++ )
H->TheCells[ i ].Info = Empty;
return H;
Position Find( ElementType Key, HashTable H )
Position CurrentPos;
int CollisionNum;
CollisionNum = 0;
CurrentPos = Hash( Key, H->TableSize );
while( H->TheCells[ CurrentPos ].Info != Empty &&
H->TheCells[ CurrentPos ].Element != Key )
/* Probably need strcmp!! */
CurrentPos += 2 * ++CollisionNum - 1;
if( CurrentPos >= H->TableSize )
CurrentPos -= H->TableSize;
return CurrentPos;
void Insert( ElementType Key, HashTable H )
Position Pos;
Pos = Find( Key, H );
if( H->TheCells[ Pos ].Info != Legitimate )
/* OK to insert here */
H->TheCells[ Pos ].Info = Legitimate;
H->TheCells[ Pos ].Element = Key;
/* Probably need strcpy! */
HashTable Rehash( HashTable H )
int i, OldSize;
Cell *OldCells;
OldCells = H->TheCells;
OldSize = H->TableSize;
/* Get a new, empty table */
H = InitializeTable( 2 * OldSize );
/* Scan through old table, reinserting into new */
for( i = 0; i < OldSize; i++ )
if( OldCells[ i ].Info == Legitimate )
Insert( OldCells[ i ].Element, H );
free( OldCells );
return H;
ElementType Retrieve( Position P, HashTable H )
return H->TheCells[ P ].Element;
void DestroyTable( HashTable H )
free( H->TheCells );
free( H );