ThreadPool 的用法示例:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;
namespace ThreadExample
public class SomeState
public int CookIE;
public SomeState(int iCookIE)
Cookie = iCookIE;
public class Alpha
public Hashtable HashCount;
public ManualResetEvent eventX;
public static int iCount = 0;
public static int iMaxCount = 0;
public Alpha(int MaxCount)
HashCount = new Hashtable(MaxCount);
iMaxCount = MaxCount;
public void Beta(Object state)
Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} :", Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode(),((SomeState)state).CookIE);
Console.WriteLine("HashCount.Count=={0}, Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()=={1}", HashCount.Count, Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode());
lock (HashCount)
if (!HashCount.ContainsKey(Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()))
HashCount.Add (Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode(), 0);
HashCount[Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode()] =
int iX = 2000;
Interlocked.Increment(ref iCount);
if (iCount == iMaxCount)
Console.WriteLine("Setting eventX ");
public class SimplePool
public static int Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Thread Pool Sample:");
bool W2K = false;
int MaxCount = 10;//允許線程池中運行最多10個線程
ManualResetEvent eventX = new ManualResetEvent(false);
Console.WriteLine("Queuing {0} items to Thread Pool", MaxCount);
Alpha oAlpha = new Alpha(MaxCount);
oAlpha.eventX = eventX;
Console.WriteLine("Queue to Thread Pool 0");
//這裡要用到Windows 2000以上版本才有的API,所以可能出現NotSupportException異常
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(oAlpha.Beta), new SomeState(0));
W2K = true;
catch (NotSupportedException)
Console.WriteLine("These API's may fail when called on a non-Windows 2000 system.");
W2K = false;
if (W2K)//如果當前系統支持ThreadPool的方法.
for (int iItem=1;iItem < MaxCount;iItem++)
Console.WriteLine("Queue to Thread Pool {0}", iItem);
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(oAlpha.Beta), new SomeState(iItem));
Console.WriteLine("Waiting for Thread Pool to drain");
Console.WriteLine("Thread Pool has been drained (Event fired)");
Console.WriteLine("Load across threads");
foreach(object o in oAlpha.HashCount.Keys)
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", o, oAlpha.HashCount[o]);
return 0;