本入門指南旨在幫助您用 Visual Studio 構建一個簡單的 C# 項目。它無法進行全面的介紹。我們鼓勵您查詢關於 C# 和 .Net 的其他資源,以便更多地學習這些技術。在完成本教程之後,您至少有了一個可用的項目,在您研究 Visual C# 時,可以從修改此這些代碼開始。
我們強烈推薦下面這些關於 C# 和 .Net 平台的書籍。它們是開發人員嘗試學習這些新技術的有益資源。
• Archer, Tom.Inside C#.Redmond:Microsoft Press, 2001. • Deitel, Harvey.C#:How to Program.Upper Saddle River, NJ:Prentice Hall, 2001. • Gunnerson, Eric.A Programmer's Introduction to C#.New York:Apress, 2000. • Platt, David.Introducing Microsoft .Net.Redmond:Microsoft Press, 2001.補遺:QuickSort C# .Net 的源代碼
下面是 QuickSort C# .Net 示例應用程序的完整源代碼。您可以復制、使用和分發這些代碼(無版權費)。注意,這些源代碼以"原樣"提供並且不作任何保證。
// // QuickSort C# .NET Sample Application // Copyright 2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // MSDN ACADEMIC ALLIANCE [http://www.msdn.microsoft.com/academic] // This sample is part of a vast collection of resources we developed for // faculty members in K-12 and higher education. Visit the MSDN AA web site for more! // The source code is provided "as is" without warranty. // // Import namespaces using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; // Declare namespace namespace MsdnAA { // Declare application class class QuickSortApp { // Application initialization static void Main (string[] szArgs) { // Print startup banner Console.WriteLine ("\nQuickSort C#.NET Sample Application"); Console.WriteLine ("Copyright (c)2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n"); Console.WriteLine ("MSDN ACADEMIC ALLIANCE [http://www.msdnaa.Net/]\n"); // Describe program function Console.WriteLine ("This example demonstrates the QuickSort algorithm by reading an input file,"); Console.WriteLine ("sorting its contents, and writing them to a new file.\n"); // Prompt user for filenames Console.Write ("Source: "); string szSrcFile = Console.ReadLine (); Console.Write ("Output: "); string szDestFile = Console.ReadLine (); // Read contents of source file string szSrcLine; ArrayList szContents = new ArrayList (); FileStream fsInput = new FileStream (szSrcFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader srInput = new StreamReader (fsInput); while ((szSrcLine = srInput.ReadLine ()) != null) { // Append to array szContents.Add (szSrcLine); } srInput.Close (); fsInput.Close (); // Pass to QuickSort function QuickSort (szContents, 0, szContents.Count - 1); // Write sorted lines FileStream fsOutput = new FileStream (szDestFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter srOutput = new StreamWriter (fsOutput); for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < szContents.Count; nIndex++) { // Write line to output file srOutput.WriteLine (szContents[nIndex]); } srOutput.Close (); fsOutput.Close (); // Report program success Console.WriteLine ("\nThe sorted lines have been written to the output file.\n\n"); } // QuickSort implementation private static void QuickSort (ArrayList szArray, int nLower, int nUpper) { // Check for non-base case if (nLower < nUpper) { // Split and sort partitions int nSplit = Partition (szArray, nLower, nUpper); QuickSort (szArray, nLower, nSplit - 1); QuickSort (szArray, nSplit + 1, nUpper); } } // QuickSort partition implementation private static int Partition (ArrayList szArray, int nLower, int nUpper) { // Pivot with first element int nLeft = nLower + 1; string szPivot = (string) szArray[nLower]; int nRight = nUpper; // Partition array elements string szSwap; while (nLeft <= nRight) { // Find item out of place while (nLeft <= nRight && ((string) szArray[nLeft]).CompareTo (szPivot) <= 0) nLeft = nLeft + 1; while (nLeft <= nRight && ((string) szArray[nRight]).CompareTo (szPivot) > 0) nRight = nRight - 1; // Swap values if necessary if (nLeft < nRight) { szSwap = (string) szArray[nLeft]; szArray[nLeft] = szArray[nRight]; szArray[nRight] = szSwap; nLeft = nLeft + 1; nRight = nRight - 1; } } // Move pivot element szSwap = (string) szArray[nLower]; szArray[nLower] = szArray[nRight]; szArray[nRight] = szSwap; return nRight; } } }