1 using System;
2 using System.Collections.Generic;
3 using System.Linq;
4 using System.Web;
5 using System.Web.UI;
6 using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
7 using TheGame;
8 public partial class GameTheory : System.Web.UI.Page
9 {
10 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
11 {
12 List<TheGame.ActorBase> player = new List<TheGame.ActorBase>();//我把接口和實現的代碼放入了TheGame命名空間
13 TheGame.ActorBase CareySon = new TheGame.Songyunjian();
14 TheGame.ActorBase RandomPlayer = new TheGame.RandomPlayer();
15 TheGame.ActorBase Tony = new TheGame.Tony();
16 TheGame.ActorBase Jack = new TheGame.Jack();
17 player.Add(CareySon);
18 player.Add(RandomPlayer);
19 player.Add(Tony);
20 player.Add(Jack);
21 /*從這裡開始下面都是算法部分*/
22 for (int x = 1; x <= 100; x++)//循環合作100次
23 {
24 for (int i = 0; i < player.Count; i++)//讓選手和其他所有選手進行博弈
25 {
26 for (int j = i + 1; j < player.Count; j++)
27 {
29 bool abBool = player[i].Gamble(player[j].GetUniqueCode());
30 ActorBase ab = player[i];
31 bool absBool = player[j].Gamble(player[i].GetUniqueCode());
32 ActorBase abs = player[j];
33 if (abBool && absBool)//當AB合作的時候
34 {
35 ab.Score += 3;
36 abs.Score += 3;
37 ab.AddRecord(abs.GetUniqueCode(), true);
38 abs.AddRecord(ab.GetUniqueCode(), true);
39 }
40 else if (abBool & !absBool) //當AB合作而ABS不合作
41 {
42 ab.Score -= 3;
43 abs.Score += 5;
44 ab.AddRecord(abs.GetUniqueCode(), false);
45 abs.AddRecord(ab.GetUniqueCode(), true);
46 }
47 else if (absBool & !abBool)//當abs合作而AB不合作的情況
48 {
49 ab.Score += 5;
50 abs.Score -= 3;
51 ab.AddRecord(abs.GetUniqueCode(), true);
52 abs.AddRecord(ab.GetUniqueCode(), false);
53 }
54 else if (!absBool && !abBool)//當雙方都不合作的情況下
55 {
56 ab.Score -= 1;
57 abs.Score -= 1;
58 ab.AddRecord(abs.GetUniqueCode(), false);
59 abs.AddRecord(ab.GetUniqueCode(), false);
60 }
62 }
63 }
64 }
65 OutputResult(player);//輸出並打印到屏幕上成績
67 }
68 private void OutputResult(List<TheGame.ActorBase> l)
69 {
70 foreach (ActorBase ab in l)
71 {
72 HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("Player: <span style='background-color:#cdcdcd;color:blue;border:solid 1px #3cdcad'>" + ab.GetUniqueCode() + "</span> and the Score is <span style='background-color:#cdcdcd;color:blue;border:solid 1px #3cdcad'>" + ab.Score.ToString() + "</span><br />");
73 }
74 }
75 }
Player: CareySon and the Score is 686
Player: RandomPlayer and the Score is 570
Player: Tony and the Score is 670
Player: Jack and the Score is 734